Do You Play as Connor in Assassin‘s Creed 3?

As a long-time AC gamer and fan who has played through all the titles, I can definitively say yes, you do play as Connor for a significant portion of Assassin‘s Creed 3 after an initial lengthy prologue as his father Haytham.

Prologue Sets the Stage

In one of the most surprising openings of the franchise, the first 3 sequences of AC3 put you in control of Haytham Kenway rather than the iconic hooded figure gracing the game‘s cover.

This masterful prologue establishes the Templar threat in the colonies and sets the backdrop for Connor‘s personal quest for justice. It‘s a bold narrative choice that pays off, even if fans were clamoring to jump into Connor‘s boots right away.

Sequence Lengths and Playtimes as Haytham vs Connor:

SequencePlaytime (Hours)Total PlaytimeCharacter Played
425.5Young Connor

As you can see from the sequence and playtime breakdown above, Haytham is only playable for the first 3 sequences which take around 3.5 hours. Connor then dominates the remaining 9 sequences for about 20 hours.

So while the prologue may throw you off initially, Connor firmly takes the reins as the protagonist by Sequence 4 and remains so until AC3‘s climactic finale.

Connor‘s Origins

Once Haytham‘s time in the spotlight is over, Sequence 4 transitions to Connor‘s origins as a young child. This powerful sequence shows his Mohawk village being attacked by colonial military forces, destorying his way of life and killing his mother.

This inciting trauma sends Connor on his fateful path to becoming an Assassin and righting injustice however he can, even if that means joining forces with some of history‘s most famous figures of the Revolutionary era.

Over the next 9 sequences spanning decades, we fully inhabit Connor‘s moccasins while he evolves from a motivated yet naïve boy to a fiercely committed Assassin mastering new weapons, tools, and abilities in the process.

Skill and Arsenal Growth Throughout AC3 as Connor:

SequenceNew Skills/ToolsCharacter LevelTotal Skills Earned
4Hunting, climbing, fighting basics13
5Hidden blades, air assassination35
6Poison darts, rope darts, bow68
7Combat disarm, double assassination910
8Naval combat basics1211
9Naval ram maneuver1512
10Recruit assassins1813
11Cannon barrage2014
12Fire cracker distraction2315

You can see the great character progression as Connor masters new weapons and skills in his Assassin training. In contrast to the brisk 3 sequences as Haytham, Connor evolves over a much longer campaign, making him truly feel like the central hero of Assassin‘s Creed 3.

Connor Cements His Legacy

By the time the credits roll, Connor Kenway has left an indelible mark on Colonial America and the Assassin Brotherhood itself. His ideology comes into conflict with his mentor Achilles as he tries to chart his own course separate from the American Revolution underway.

In the end Connor plays a pivotal role in major historical events while defending his tribe and working towards justice any way he can. He emerges as one of the most skilled Assassins of the colonial era, worthy of recognition alongside other franchise icons like Ezio and Altair.

So while he may have shared the spotlight briefly with his father Haytham, make no mistake – AC3 is Connor Kenway‘s odyssey first and foremost. I highly recommend playing through his entire arc across the three acts to see one Assassin‘s coming of age from innocent child to hardened veteran.

Let me know in the comments if you were surprised by the initial prologue as Haytham and what you thought of Connor‘s journey! For my next post, I‘m considering a deep dive into naval gameplay which AC3 introduced. Please share any suggestions or questions below!

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