Do you say 3 pairs or 3 pair?

The correct way to phrase this is "3 pairs". I‘m asked this question a lot as a gamer who creates English language content. So as a bit of an grammar enthusiast, let me clearly explain…

The Plural of "Pair" is "Pairs"

When referring to multiple pairs of something, you always use the plural form: pairs. For example:

  • I found 3 pairs of Legendary loot items in my last dungeon run
  • My opponent drew 4 pairs of face cards during our poker game

Meanwhile, "pair" on its own refers to just one grouping of two items, like:

  • There was only 1 pair of shoes left in my size
  • I held a high pair of Aces, but still lost the hand

So the pluralization rules around "pair vs pairs" are:

  • 1 pair = one set of two items
  • 2+ pairs = multiple sets of two items

Getting this right is important for sounding fluent. According to grammar experts, using "3 pair" is simply ungrammatical in English.

Why You Never Say "3 Pair"

Odds are you‘ve heard someone incorrectly say "3 pair." As a language maven, hearing this makes me cringe a bit!

Let‘s geek out on why this phrase is wrong:

  • All regular English plurals add "S" – e.g. 1 cat vs. 2 cats. Since "pair" fits into this regular noun category, its plural must be "pairs"
  • Irregular plurals follow their own rules – e.g. 1 mouse vs. 2 mice. But "pair" does not fall into any of these irregular categories that can drop the "S".
  • "Pair" is not a mass noun – Some mass nouns like "water" or "sand" stay the same in singular & plural form. But "pair" does not act as a mass noun, so it requires pluralization.

Based on these core grammar principles, saying "3 pair" breaks the conventions of English plurals. That‘s why "3 pairs" is the only correct option!

When to Use "Pair vs Pairs": Usage Tips

Here are some quick tips on when to use "pair" vs the plural "pairs" in a sentence:

Number of SetsCorrect VersionExample Sentence
1 set of 2 itemspairI ordered a new pair of sneakers online.
2+ sets of 2 itemspairsWe found four pairs of matching earrings.
Unsure or variable setspairsThere were several pairs of shoes piled by the door.

As you can see, opting for the plural "pairs" works in most cases. Using it by default will prevent any errors.

Only use "pair" when you are positively referring to one single set of two items.

Key Takeaways: 3 Pairs, Not 3 Pair!

Hopefully this breakdown clarifies when to correctly say:

  • "3 pairs"
  • "3 pair" ❌

To summarize:

  • The plural form of "pair" is always "pairs"
  • Use "pairs" when referring to multiple sets of two
  • Saying "3 pair" is ungrammatical

So whether it‘s pairs of rockets, pairs of boots, or pairs of anything else, the right phrase is "3 pairs."

Let me know if you have any other English language questions! As a gamer who also geeks out on grammar, I‘m happy to help explain these kinds of usage rules.

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