Do you shoot Micah or Dutch in Red Dead Redemption 2?

No, you don‘t get the option to shoot Dutch in Red Dead Redemption 2. At the end of the game, you confront Micah Bell along with John Marston and Sadie Adler. Dutch shows up during the confrontation, but you only have the option to shoot Micah.

What happens at the end of RDR2?

At the end of RDR2‘s epilogue, John Marston and Sadie Adler track down Micah Bell, who had betrayed the Van der Linde gang earlier in the story. They find Micah on Mount Hagen and a standoff ensues between John, Sadie and Micah.

Dutch Van der Linde then shows up on the mountain as well. A gunfight breaks out, with John and Sadie shooting at Micah while Dutch watches. Eventually, Dutch shoots Micah himself, mortally wounding him. Micah dies and Dutch leaves without saying a word.

So in summary, Dutch helps John and Sadie take down Micah at the end, but the player only gets the option to shoot Micah, not Dutch.

What if you don‘t shoot Micah?

If you don‘t shoot Micah during the standoff, two things can happen:

  1. Dutch shoots and kills Micah anyways.

  2. If you have invincibility mode enabled, Micah will kill Dutch and then kill John and Sadie before heading back to the cabin. This soft locks the game.

So for the story to progress, Micah has to die at the end. The player can choose to shoot him themselves or let Dutch do it.

Does Dutch redeem himself?

In a way, yes. By killing Micah at the end, Dutch redeems himself to some extent and gains a bit of redemption for his actions over the course of the story.

He owed it to Arthur to kill the man responsible for betraying the gang and causing so much harm. So while Dutch can never fully redeem himself, this act shows he still has some good left in him.

What happens after the credits roll?

After the credits finish rolling, you take control of John Marston back at his ranch. This serves as the epilogue and transitions Red Dead Redemption 2 into the original Red Dead Redemption story.

So in summary, you don‘t get to shoot Dutch, only Micah. Dutch kills Micah, then walks away to parts unknown after a confrontation with John. And John heads back to his family ranch to start the next chapter of his life.

Let me know if you have any other questions!

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