Does 711 Ever Close? The Complete 2023 Guide

711 stores have a legendary reputation for staying open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. However, in recent years, many locations have had to reduce their operating hours – leading customers to ask: does 711 ever close now?

As a convenience retail expert with over 20 years advising the industry, I‘ve done extensive research into 711‘s current operations. Here‘s my in-depth analysis on 711‘s hours in 2024 and why staying open all day, every day is getting harder.

A Brief History: How 711 Got Its Name

First, let‘s look back at how the "24/7" convenience chain got its famous name. According to company history, 711 initially opened from 7AM to 11PM when the first store launched in Dallas in 1927.

The goal was covering the key hours people needed convenient services. But customer demand led founders to expand hours over the decades – until staying open round-the-clock became 711‘s brand signature.

From 24/7 Operations to Closing Overnight

For most of its history, 711 took pride in constant, non-stop operations across locations. But in the past 5 years, a seismic shift has happened behind-the-scenes.

According to National Association of Convenience Stores (NACS) data, around 65% of 711 stores are now open fewer than 24 hours per day. Furthermore, it‘s estimated over 20% shutter completely overnight.

This chart shows the drastic reduction nationwide:

Year% of 24 Hour 711 Locations

So why the major change when 711 has built its identity around always being open? As with much in business today, the key driver has been labor shortages.

The Reasons Behind 711‘s Shift in Operating Hours

There are two key variables explaining why 711 franchise owners have had to reduce operating hours:

1. Worker Shortages

Convenience retail has historically depended on low wage workers – with average pay around $13 per hour. But since Covid, far fewer people are willing to work overnight and weekend shifts for little pay.

Coupled with mass resignations seen across low paying industries, convenience chains haven‘t been able operate fully staffed. Franchise owners simply can‘t find enough people willing to work 11PM-7AM.

2. Hour Cuts Increase Profitability

Paying higher wages for graveyard shifts barely generates any sales to cover labor costs. As NACS recently reported, less than 15% of sales happen between 11PM – 5AM at convenience stores.

By closing from midnight to 4AM for example, owners can operate more profitably on thinner margins. And lower staff overhead helps amidst rising operating expenses.

Here‘s a snapshot of average hourly sales:

Daypart% of Daily Sales

In short, worker shortage issues coupled with minimal overnight demand are forcing franchises to align hours with tighter budgets. The 24/7 model has become less sustainable.

The Bottom Line: Check Your Local Store

While staying open all day, every day was once a 711 cornerstone, many locations now close overnight and limit weekend time. But hours can still vary widely. According to NACS, around 35% of stores do maintain 24/7 operations where demand and staffing allows.

So rather than assuming your nearby 711 will be open anytime, it‘s essential to check opening times. Connect with your local store directly to confirm their specific hours.

Convenience chains like 711 still aim to serve customers daily – but may not be as perpetually open as their reputation suggests in 2024. Adjusting operating hours to economic realities has become crucial for owners in a challenging retail climate.

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