The Availability of Print Newspapers at 7-Eleven and Other Convenience Stores in 2024

Strolling into a 7-Eleven or gas station convenience store, you‘d be forgiven for wondering if print newspapers still exist in 2024. With newspaper circulation down over 80% in the last 25 years, it‘s rarer to see folks flipping through the daily paper. But while print is in decline, it‘s not dead yet. You can still find major papers at many convenience store chains—with some hunting.

Print Newspapers Are a Vanishing Breed

Let‘s look briefly at the stark statistics:

  • In 1990, weekday newspaper circulation in the U.S. was 62.3 million; by 2019, it had plummeted to 28.6 million. That‘s a 54% freefall.
  • Sunday circulation saw a similar trend, dropping from 62.6 million in 1990 to 38.8 million in 2019—a 38% decline.
  • From 2008 to 2018 alone, weekday and Sunday circulation each declined around 34%.

(Source: Pew Research Center)

What happened? The internet happened. As news consumption shifted online, especially to mobile devices, print newspaper readership took a nosedive. While many major papers now have digital subscriptions, print editions have cut back substantially.

But print still retains some dedicated fans. For convenient single-copy sales, convenience stores have been go-to spots to grab a paper without subscribing. Do options still exist at chains like 7-Eleven though? Let‘s investigate further.

Newspapers at 7-Eleven

7-Eleven has over 9,000 stores across North America. But when it comes to newspaper selection, your choices will vary greatly depending on location.

In general, 7-Eleven tends to carry major nationally distributed papers like:

  • USA Today
  • The Wall Street Journal
  • The New York Times

These are typically displayed up front by the registers. However, selection isn‘t guaranteed. One Brooklyn 7-Eleven may stock 10 copies of The Times, while another in Queens has none. You‘ll need to check individually.

As for local papers, availability is minimal. A DC-area 7-Eleven is unlikely to stock The Washington Post. Some bigger regional papers like the Chicago Tribune or LA Times may be available at select locations in their metro areas, but again, with no guarantees. Calling ahead is advised if you want a specific paper.

Bottom line: 7-Eleven focuses on the major national dailies. Local options are very limited.

Other Convenience Chains‘ Newspaper Options

How do 7-Eleven‘s main competitors stack up for print newspaper availability? Here‘s a quick overview:

ChainNational PapersLocal/Regional Papers
7-ElevenDecent selectionVery limited
Circle KModerate selectionModerate selection
QuikTripWide selectionModerate selection
SheetzModerate selectionVery limited
WawaModerate selectionWide selection

Wawa and QuikTrip tend to offer the widest variety, including local major metro papers. Sheetz and 7-Eleven focus more on national titles. But again, verify with each individual store if you want a specific paper.

Declining Options Over Time

Long-time readers may recall when convenience stores had huge newspaper racks with every local paper imaginable to peruse. Those days are likely gone as papers shrink circulation in the digital age.

While the major national dailies will probably maintain decent convenience store distribution, hyper-local options will continue declining. Some analysts project print papers could largely vanish within 20 years.

In the meantime, seek out bodegas, bookstores, or newsstands if your 7-Eleven is fresh out of print. Or just bite the bullet and subscribe digitally to your top choices. Regardless, be prepared for print newspaper availability at convenience chains to gradually fade away.

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