Does a "Just Say No" Card Protect Everyone in Monopoly Deal?

No, Just Say No cards in Monopoly Deal only protect the individual player who plays them. They cancel the effect of Action cards used against you specifically. So don‘t expect them to shield all players at the table!

As an avid MD player and gaming blogger, I get asked about Just Say No cards a lot. They can really swing games, so understanding how to leverage them is vital. Let‘s dive deeper into how these defensive cards work:

Just Say No Card Basics

  • There are only 3 Just Say No cards included in the entire MD deck
  • Playing a Just Say No does not count as one of your two card plays on your turn
  • You can play Just Say No cards in response to other Just Say No cards!

So right off the bat, we see Just Say No has the flexibility to cancel Action cards, while not using up your turn. Now let‘s get into some common strategic questions:

Should You Play Just Say No Cards Aggressively or Save Them?

There‘s a nuanced strategy here you need to balance as a player. Being too aggressive and burning Just Say Nos early can leave you exposed late game when you really need them.

But by saving them too greedily, you risk falling irreversibly behind in properties and money.

My general recommendation is to play Just Say No cards situationally in the early game. Have a specific property or money threshold you want to defend in the first few turns.

Then save 1-2 Just Say Nos for the critical late game when you‘re trying to defend a second monopoly or complete the elusive third set. Having even one Just Say No in your back pocket late can be the difference between winning and losing!

When Are You Most Likely to Draw a Just Say No Card?

Given there are only 3 Just Say No cards among 70 cards total, you may be wondering about the odds of drawing one. Let‘s break it down:

Stage of GameJust Say No Cards LeftOdds of Drawing
Early Game34.3%
Mid Game23.1%
Late Game11.5%

As you can see, the probability drops as the game progresses and Just Say Nos get played. So you‘re most likely to draw one early, which again speaks to using them situationally rather than spamming all 3!

Which Action Cards Should You Reserve Just Say No For?

In my experience playing, these Action cards get Just Say No‘ed the most:

  • Sly Deal – Stealing properties from under you
  • Debt Collector – Major money swing potential
  • Deal Breaker – Breaking up precious property sets

My philosophy is to save Just Say No for Action cards that directly counter your Monopoly building strategy or would cause a catastrophic money deficit. Reserve them for targeted protection when it matters most.

That said, every game is different, so let the state of the board be your guide! Now that you understand how Just Say No works in Monopoly Deal, it‘s time to put that knowledge into practice.

Use Just Say No as a defensive shield rather than hammer early on. Be patient and maximize value. And remember – only you benefit from them, not other players!

As always, I welcome any Monopoly Deal thoughts and questions from my loyal blog readers. Game on!

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