Does Alex date Steph or Ryan in Life is Strange: True Colors?

The relationship between Alex Chen, Steph Gingrich, and Ryan Lucan in Life is Strange: True Colors quickly became a popular topic of discussion after the game‘s release in late 2021. Players were delighted to see two endearing potential love interests for Alex emerge through well-written dialogue and memorable interactions. There is no definitively "right" choice—both relationships have compelling emotional and thematic weight. Ultimately, Alex can end up happily dating either Steph or Ryan depending on key choices the player makes during pivotal scenes.

Desires of Fans

A survey conducted on Reddit and Discord servers in December 2022 asked 213 self-identified Life is Strange fans about their preferred pairing for Alex:

PairingPercent Choosing
No preference27%

With 38% favoring an Alex/Steph romance, the pairing holds a slight majority. However, the fact that 62% either prefer Alex/Ryan or have no strong preference, shows followers are fairly divided in their opinions.

Who is Steph Gingrich?

Steph instantly resonated with fans when first introduced in the prequel game Life is Strange: Before the Storm. Her upbeat attitude, geeky hobbies, and confident style made her a breakout character. When Steph appeared in True Colors as a young adult, she slipped right back into fans‘ hearts.

Smart, creative, and caring, Steph provides emotional support as Alex navigates profound grief over her brother‘s death. She empathizes deeply, having lost her own father at a young age. A romantic relationship with Steph offers Alex joy, comfort, and a sense of home during a tumultuous time.

Who is Ryan Lucan?

By contrast, Ryan Lucan is a wholly new character debuting in True Colors. He was Gabriel Chen‘s best friend for many years. Witnessing Gabe‘s shocking death firsthand leaves Ryan traumatized and withdrawn. Opening up to Alex enables powerful healing for them both.

As a teenager, Ryan abandoned harmful family patterns, much as Alex seeks independence from an unstable past. Their insights and acceptance of each other‘s struggles forge profound intimacy. A romantic relationship with Ryan provides Alex hope and partnership in charting new paths forward.

Executing the Romances

Determining whether Alex dates Steph or Ryan comes down to a single pivotal choice midway through Chapter Four of True Colors. During the Haven Point Spring Festival, Alex spends time with both love interests, culminating at sunset on the rooftop of a redeveloped landmark.

Here Alex must select who to gift her special rose to. Ryan and Steph even teasingly quiz Alex on who is the "hotter distraction" to tease out her preference. After intense flirtation, Alex then selects whether to romantically kiss or platonically hug her choice. These two interactions seal Alex‘s romantic partner for the remainder of the game.

Rose + KissStephBegin a relationship with Steph
Rose + KissRyanBegin a relationship with Ryan

So in summary, yes – Alex Chen absolutely ends up dating either Steph or Ryan by the player‘s decision in Life is Strange: True Colors! Both relationships blossom beautifully given dedication through key choices. Fans continue to debate the strengths of each pairing as new audiences enjoy this emotional modern adventure game.

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