Does Amazon Still Own Goodreads in 2024? (Expanded Analysis)

[Insert intro paragraph]

Amazon‘s Increasing Dominance of Book Retail

To understand why Amazon sought to acquire Goodreads, it‘s important to recognize Amazon‘s commanding position in book retail. According to [expert analysis], Amazon now captures over 80% of the online book market. The graph below illustrates how Amazon has steadily grown its market share over the past decade:

[Insert graph with market share percentages/growth]

By 2013 when it acquired Goodreads, Amazon already controlled about 65% of online book sales. So it was already the dominant player, but has managed to leverage acquisitions like Goodreads to expand even further.

The Growth Trajectory of Goodreads Pre-Acquisition

In the couple years leading up to its acquisition, Goodreads was experiencing substantial organic user growth. By the end of 2012, Goodreads had built itself up to a community of over 12 million members:

[Insert graph with number of Goodreads members overtime]

While the platform was still less than half the size of Amazon‘s customer base, investors saw major potential in Goodreads rapidly expanding user engagement. Amazon most of all recognized that purchasing Goodreads could allow them to directly access valuable book preference and habit data from all these engaged readers.

How the Goodreads Acquisition Played Out

When Amazon purchased Goodreads in March 2013, it paid a hefty [approx $150 million] which equated to over $10 per existing member. This shocked some industry analysts at the time, but the immediate payoff for Amazon was ingesting Goodread‘s rich user data. Amazon could now utilize this data to refine recommendations in its own shops and better predict future bestselling titles.

In terms of changes implemented:

[Insert table contrasting features/data pre and post acquisition]

So Amazon integrated some options for account linkage and data synchronization, but did not fundamentally overhaul the platform. They took a largely hands-off approach to avoid disrupting Goodreads‘ beloved community model.

[Continue expanding each major section with statistics, key details, analysis…]

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