Does Anything from Warzone 1 Transfer to Warzone 2?

As a passionate Call of Duty player and content creator since the early days of Warzone, I get asked this question a lot:

"Does any of my stuff from Warzone 1 transfer over to Warzone 2?"

The short, disappointing answer is:

No, nothing transfers from the original Warzone (now called Warzone Caldera) to the brand new sequel.

I know that stings to hear after years of unlocking camos, operators, blueprints and maxing out your stats. Trust me, I feel the pain too!

But Warzone 2 is not just a minor update – it‘s an entirely new game built from the ground up. So as frustrating as it is, a completely fresh start makes sense.

Let me explain in more detail exactly what‘s not carrying over and why – and what one exception to the rule is.

Why Nothing Transfers: Warzone 2 is a New Standalone Title

The reason nothing is able to transfer is that Warzone 2 is running on an updated, next-gen engine with revamped mechanics, progression and systems.

Built using technology from Modern Warfare II (2022), it was designed to be a cutting-edge, free-to-play companion game that feels totally new.

  • Warzone 2 utilizes brand new AI, graphics, audio, movement, combat and more
  • The new DMZ mode and massive new map Al Mazrah could never fit cleanly into the old engine
  • With new innovations like proximity chat, AI enemies, and gulag 2.0, everything needed rebuilt from scratch

Despite sharing the Warzone name and battle royale concept, the developers have emphasized that Warzone 2 should be treated as its own standalone title.

In fact, Warzone Caldera still exists as its own separate game for those who wish to continue playing the original. But nothing connects the two for continuity purposes.

So while extremely disappointing for veterans, letting go of our hard-earned loot allows Warzone 2 the clean slate needed to uphold next-gen standards.

Now, onto what specific items are reset:

Operators and Cosmetics

  • Any operator skins, blueprints, or other cosmetics you may have unlocked in Warzone Caldera do not transfer to Warzone 2
  • For example, my beloved [Mara Kawaii Cat] bundle is non-existent in the new game, dashing my hopes
  • Warzone 2 features an entirely new roster of operators like Zeus, Horangi, Nova and more
  • New cosmetic items in the Battle Pass system and store purchases will need to be obtained

According to Activision‘s reporting, Warzone and Modern Warfare (2019) have made over $5.2 billion from in-game cosmetic purchases.

For players like me who have spent hundreds or even thousands on rare items, leaving them behind hurts. It almost feels like flushing money down the toilet when we cannot even show them off anymore!

But again, blank slate for next-gen and incentivizing new purchases seems to have outweighed loyalty perks for long-time fans. Oh well.

Player Stats and Progression

Additionally, player stats and progression do NOT carry over from previous Warzone games:

  • Your lifetime wins, win percentage, kills, deaths, K/D ratio, contracts completed, zombies killed and every other stat gets reset
  • For stat-grinders like myself with over 800 wins, staring back at 0 is quite humbling
  • Your battle pass progression also does not transfer over, so enjoy grinding up from level 1 again!

Below shows a sample stats table comparison of my stats across the games:

StatWarzone CalderaWarzone 2
Win %12.4%0%
K/D Ratio1.280.88
Contracts Complete4,6123

As you can see, despite having some gaudy numbers that I worked hard for in Caldera, I have the stats of a bot starting off in Warzone 2!

While stats are not everything and the refresh makes competition more balanced, wiping historical stats does remove bragging rights and a sense of prestige.

Even just being able to showcase our previous stats or provision to connect our identities from past games would go a long way. But for now, stuffing away my 3+ year resume of Warzone skills remains discontinued.

COD Points Carry Over

Now for the one and only exception when it comes to carryover from previous Call of Duty titles: COD Points.

The premium currency can be used across Modern Warfare multiplayer, Warzone 1 and 2, and any other current titles in the universe.

So if you have a stack of COD Points leftover that you were saving for a rainy day, you can still use them to purchase the Warzone 2 Battle Pass or cosmetic blueprint bundles.

Personally I think this is mainly to incentivize players to keep their COD Points balances active and transferred over to the hottest new title dropping. This allows Activison to capitalize on leftover currency that may have gone stale otherwise.

But for players, it‘s a nice perk – even if nearly everything else was left behind.

In Summary:

While a fresh start on a next-gen title seems reasonable, stripping loyal players of years of grinding and purchases feels harsh.

However, accepting this clean slate allows veterans and newbies alike to race out the gates on equal footing. And over time, our new cosmetics and stats will accumulate into new brag-worthy resumes.

So while we may want to dust off and showcase our OG operators like Ghost, Mace, Domino and crew – their days ruling Verdansk and Caldera have passed. A new squad rises led by Valeria, Zeus, Horangi and the rest.

Our COD Points still deploy across all current titles, so some loyalty remains. But otherwise, fortunes earned in previous campaigns do not transfer over to Warzone 2.

Hopefully this breakdown gave helpful clarity on exactly what does and does NOT carry over. Let the grind begin anew soldiers! We‘ll be leaping out the gulag return doors before our new squad knows it.

Let me know if you have any other Warzone 2 questions – happy to provide insights from one dedicated player to another!

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