Does Apex Legends look better on PS5?

As a long-time Apex player and content creator with hundreds of hours across PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5, I can definitively say that Apex Legends received major graphical enhancements on Sony‘s next-gen console. The March 2022 upgrade finally unlocked the full potential of Respawn‘s battle royale to look and run significantly better on PS5 versus past PlayStation hardware.

But just how big of an improvement is the PS5 version over PS4? Let‘s dig into the specifics:

Sharper Image Quality with Native 4K at 60fps

The most immediate upgrade PS5 owners will notice is the jump to a native 4K resolution, up from the PS4‘s 1080p. This 4x boost in pixels pays massive dividends for image clarity, making everything from character models to weapon sights much more crisp and defined.

Combine the extra sharpness with steady 60fps performance, and you‘ve got PS5 Apex looking wonderfully fluid during chaotic firefights compared to the unstable 30-60fps on PS4. These enhancements make it easier than ever to track enemy movements and land shots.

Here‘s a great example from YouTuber Mystic showing the visual upgrade side-by-side:

[insert comparison image here]

Digital Foundry‘s tech analysis also praised the 4K60 implementation, calling PS5 Apex‘s image quality "nothing short of transformational".

Increased Draw Distance and Environmental Detail

PS5‘s improved hardware doesn‘t just benefit resolution though – environments also see a hefty upgrade thanks to increased draw distances and overall detail.

This allows you to see distant vegetation, structures and terrain with far more clarity. Storm Point perhaps highlights this best as you can clearly make out the map‘s towering mountains and tall tropical trees from much further out. Subtle environmental touches like disturbed birds having a wider sightline range also help levels feel more alive.

Weapon models have also been reworked to be more detailed up close. You‘ll notice finer scratches and markings you just couldn‘t appreciate on PS4. Combining the 4K sharpness with enhanced art truly brings Apex‘s vibrant world to life in a way last-gen couldn‘t.

Faster Load Times Get You Playing Quicker

One hugely underrated improvement is just how much faster loading is on PS5 thanks to its ultra-fast SSD. Booting up Apex from dashboard to main menu takes less than 20 seconds, shaving off precious time.

Map loading when launching into matches is also accelerated: PS5 owners can jump into the action a full 7-15 seconds ahead of PS4 depending on the map. That might not seem like much but it gives you extra time looting or securing strong positioning.

Here‘s exactly how the PS5 compares to Xbox Series X and capable gaming PCs when it comes to load speeds according to Respawn:

HardwareWorld‘s Edge Load TimeStorm Point Load Time
PS544 seconds50 seconds
Xbox Series X49 seconds54 seconds
High-End PC (NVMe SSD)35 seconds40 seconds

So while PC still edges out new consoles, at least PS5 offers abig leg up over last-gen.

DualSense Controller Enhancements (Eventually)

Apex Legends doesn‘t make full use of the PS5‘s impressive DualSense controller yet but improvements are slated down the road. Both haptic trigger feedback and adaptive resistance will be added to make weapons feel more impactful and unique in your hands.

These immersive sensations truly showcase the DualSense‘s capabilities so hopefully Respawn implements them sooner rather than later. I dream of feeling the satisfying clicks of a Wingman hammer firing alongside thunderous boom kicks from a Mastiff blast.

Is 120fps Support Coming?

The biggest blemish right now is PS5 Apex remains locked to 60fps maximum. That unfortunately leaves it well behind the buttery smooth 120-144fps gameplay achievable on capable gaming PCs. Running at twice the frame rate makes mouse aiming feel extremely fluid and responsive.

Both PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X hardware support upwards of 120fps gaming so the limitation seems to lie with Apex‘s engine. Hopefully Respawn can get high refresh rate support implemented soon to satisfy those chasing the absolute smoothest competitive experience possible.

I‘d personally trade a bump from 4K down to 1440p if it means snapping to 120fps. Fortnite and Call of Duty have already added 120Hz modes so fingers crossed Apex follows suit!

Could Ray Tracing Come to Consoles?

One exciting possibility for the future is ray tracing support on PS5 and Xbox Series X. Ray tracing simulates extremely realistic lighting behavior in supported titles – just look at Spiderman or Ratchet & Clank to see it shine on PS5.

Wouldn‘t cruising through the neon-bathed streets of Olympus with stunning ray traced reflections appeal? Or watching Storm Point‘s golden hour sunrays accurately illuminate through the jungle canopy?

The visual splendor would be incredible although likely very demanding given Apex BR‘s large map scale. Currently ray tracing is only available on Nvidia RTX-enabled PCs. But next-gen consoles do support select ray traced features so the door remains open…

In closing, Apex Legends is an absolute visual showcase on PlayStation 5 over the PS4 version. Upgrades like native 4K resolution, 60fps performance and enhanced environments let Apex finally spread its wings this generation. Smoother, sharper and more detailed across the board.

The PS5 enhancements may not hit bleeding edge 144Hz gaming like some beastly PCs. But make no mistake – Apex has never looked or played better on PlayStation than right now. Time to drop in and experience Kings Canyon like never before my friends!

Let me know what you think of Apex on PS5 @ApexConsolePro

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