Does Arcane Affect Scarlet Rot in Elden Ring?

Yes, the Arcane attribute directly speeds up how fast scarlet rot status builds up on enemies. It does not increase the damage-over-time once rot procs, but high Arcane means reaching that proc threshhold much quicker. This guide dives deep on optimizing Arcane to inflict devastating rot builds.

How Arcane Scales Rot Buildup

Elden Ring calculates status buildup from weapons and skills using the following formula:

Buildup = Base Buildup * (1 + Stat Scaling)
  • Base Buildup is the default status accumulation per hit
  • Stat Scaling increases buildup based on your attributes

For scarlet rot, the Stat Scaling relies on your Arcane level. The exact scaling multiplier is:

Rot Scaling = Arcane * 0.056

For example:

  • 10 Arcane = 0.56x rot buildup
  • 50 Arcane = 2.8x rot buildup
  • 99 Arcane = 5.5x rot buildup

So at 99 Arcane, your rot applications will inflict over 5 times faster status effects compared to 10 Arcane.

Comparing Vigor and Arcane for Rot Defense

While Arcane speeds up rot buildup from your attacks, Vigor boosts defense through the Immunity stat:

Vigor LevelImmunityRot Resistance
99300Very High

Immunity directly reduces the buildup inflicted on your character. So stacking Vigor offers protection against enemy rot attacks.

This means Arcane and Vigor work in tandem – Arcane amplifies your rot offensive, while Vigor bolsters defense. Ideally you want both stats high to dish out and resist scarlet rot.

Example Rot Buildup Math at Different Arcane

Let‘s see some examples of how Arcane accelerates rot buildup in action:

  • An attack applies 100 rot buildup per hit by default
  • Enemy rot threshold to proc is 500 buildup
Your ArcaneRot BuildupAttacks to Proc
101564 hits
502802 hits
995501 hit

As you can see, just 50 Arcane causes rot to trigger twice as fast compared to 10 Arcane. At 99, it takes only one hit to inflict a full rot proc.

Optimizing Stats for a Rot Caster

For rot-focused spellcaster builds, these stats are recommended:

  • 60+ Arcane (soft cap) – Maximizes rot scaling
  • 40-50 Vigor – Gives ample rot resistance without sacrificing offense
  • Minimum Faith to wield rot spells like Rotten Breath
  • Some Mind helps sustain longer rot-casting fights

Additionally, boosting Dexterity will increase cast speed for offensive incantations. Pair rot magic with blood or frost weapons for stackable status annihilation.

Prioritizing Arcane massively boosts rot buildup, quickly melting foes with devastating scarlet contagion. Vigor and peripheral stats complement without overriding offense. Adapt this framework for obliterating bosses and mobs alike with melty red demise!

Rotten Breath Analysis

Rotten Breath perfectly complements this HIGH Arcane approach, requiring only 12 Faith while inflicting 90 base rot buildup.

At 60 Arcane that becomes 272 buildup, and 99 Arcane causes MASSIVE 517 rot per cast! Even mighty dragons and shardbearers will quiver before such virulent contagion.

In conclusion: yes, Arcane profoundly influences scarlet rot. This guide illuminates the mechanics in detail – now go melt some demigods!

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