Does Ash Ketchum Finally Complete His Pokédex After Over 20 Years?

As arguably the most iconic Pokémon trainer of all time, Ash Ketchum has caught and befriended countless Pokémon since starting his journey over 20 years ago. Through episodes spanning generations of anime, movies, games and more, fans have watched Ash form unbreakable bonds with many rare and powerful Pokémon.

But one question still remains: does Ash ever definitively complete his Pokédex?

The Epic, Ongoing Journey to Catch ‘Em All

Let‘s go back to where it all began.

As a passionate 10-year old brimming with determination, Ash received his first Pokédex along with partner Pikachu to start his quest to become a Pokémon Master. The Pokédex serves as an encyclopedic record of every known Pokémon to catch – essentially, a tracker for completing his ultimate goal of catching ‘em all.

Over the decades, Ash‘s journey has mirrored the Pokémon universe itself expanding through various regions, adventures, friends and foes. With each new generation came scores of new Pokémon for Ash to potentially capture and log.

And while battling and earning badges to enter competitions has always been Ash‘s clearest path to success, his Pokédex steadily filled with impressive and diverse Pokémon along the way.

Let‘s analyze Ash‘s Pokémon catching rate across generations:

Kanto Region:
Caught: 31 unique Pokémon
Seen: 51 Pokémon

Johto Region:
Caught: 28 unique Pokémon
(59 cumulative)
Seen: 88 Pokémon

Hoenn Region:
Caught: 32 unique Pokémon
(91 cumulative)
Seen: 135 Pokémon

Sinnoh Region:
Caught: 33 unique Pokémon
(124 cumulative)
Seen: 191 Pokémon

Unova Region:
Caught: 9 unique Pokémon
(133 cumulative)
Seen: 242 Pokémon

Kalos Region:
Caught: 10 unique Pokémon
(143 cumulative)
Seen: 306 Pokémon

Alola Region:
Caught: 17 unique Pokémon
(160 cumulative)
Seen: 383 Pokémon

Galar Region:
Caught: 8+ unique Pokémon
(168+ cumulative)
Seen: ~500 Pokémon

Tracking Ash‘s Pokédex completion rate per region, while an admirable start in Kanto and Johto, a steep drop-off begins in Unova and beyond as more Pokémon continued being introduced.

As of 2023, over 1000 Pokémon are now confirmed to exist. With 168+ caught by Ash‘s latest tally, this puts his total Pokédex completion percentage at around just 17% after over 20 years adventuring every region.

Has Ash‘s Endgame Shifted After Finally Becoming a Pokémon Master?

In one of the anime‘s most monumental recent events, Ash Ketchum finally fulfilled his ultimate dream of being crowned a Pokémon Master at the end of 2022‘s "Pokémon Ultimate Journeys" series against prior champion Leon.

Earning this long-awaited title serves as a apex for his past goal. But what‘s next for Ash now as the anime continues?

Some fans theorize this crowning achievement may shift Ash‘s endgame focus towards Pokémon goals not fully realized over his past journey – namely, completing his Pokémon encyclopedia.

Supporting this, in the most recent anime episodes Ash can be seen training across various regions with a curated team of his all-star Pokémon he‘s bonded with in the past, rather than actively catching many new additions.

Perhaps a symbolic preparation for “catching them all” by connecting with those he’s already forged relationships with over the years.

Meanwhile, Lucario and Gengar, two powerhouses gained in recent seasons, have seemingly taken more prominent battling roles potentially indicating high priority to train together as a elite catching squad.

Only time will tell if the writers opt to refocus Ash on Pokédex completion now that he has reached such a climax as Pokémon Master. But the narrative seeds seem planted.

Could Completing the Pokédex Ever Be Feasible For Any Trainer?

While Ash has proven his skill and grit as a trainer time and time again, actually catching every Pokémon may simply be an impossible task – even for a Master.

With over 1000 confirmed Pokémon in existence and more being discovered leading to each generation, catching them all poses consistent challenges:

  • Mythical & Legendaries: These ultra rare Pokémon appear only under specific narrative events. As wondrous as the encounters are for Ash, systematically catching them all has proven unreliable.

  • Region Exclusivity: Certain Pokémon evolve forms or appear exclusively tied to specific regions Ash would have to revisit. This takes precious time.

  • Percentage Caught Declining: Ash‘s percentage of Pokédex completion per Region peaks early at 61% in Johto but declines sharply by Generation 7. Each new generation adds over 100 new Pokémon making it harder to catch back up.

If any trainer has a chance, Ash seemingly fits the bill possessing strong bonds with Pokémon, intrinsic skill as a battler & catcher, and past experience traversing every Region often multiple times over.

Yet completing the Pokédex remains improbable depending on how rigorously that goal is defined and how frequently new Pokémon are discovered.

Legendaries Ash Has Encountered Hint At His Rare Capturing Potential

While catching every Pokémon presents clear challenges, Ash‘s unique history with legendary and mythical Pokémon demonstrates the ability, luck and inherent magnetism to capture elusive creatures:

  • Ho-Oh: The first legendary Pokémon Ash encountered remains an iconic moment when seeing this mysterious rare bird Pokémon before starting his first journey. While not catching it, this signified Ash was destined for greatness.

  • Suicune: Early in his Johto journey, Ash has several fleeting run-ins with the legendary Suicune likely drawn by his pure spirit. While unable to capture the mythical water beast, this bond further evidences unique trainer talents.

  • Latias: Forming a close human-Pokémon friendship, a Latias once even kissed Ash while disguised as a girl! This shows his innate ability to connect on a emotional level with extraordinarily rare Pokémon.

  • Lucario: One of Ash‘s most powerful comrades caught fairly recently, Lucario displays absolute loyalty in battling after Ash selflessly saved its life. This rare fighting/steel type may be key help for future captures.

  • Melmetal: After evolving from the mythical Melmetal, this became the first legendary Pokémon Ash has officially caught and trained. Could more follow?

These extraordinary bonds showcase that while capturing all Pokémon presents immense challenges, Ash may be uniquely positioned with the persistence, spirit and relationships with both common and legendary creatures needed to pull off this lofty goal.

Final Verdict: The Road Remains Long, But Ash‘s Pokémon Journey Continues

Reviewing Ash Ketchum‘s legendary history training and catching Pokémon, it’s clear no trainer is better equipped or determined to catch ‘em all.

Yet, weighing his current 17% completion rate versus 1000+ known Pokémon (many exceptionally rare), completing the Pokédex in full remains improbable even for a trainer of Ash’s skills.

Nonetheless, as the anime continues into new episodes even after Ash’s crowning championship, his story is far from over. Where the next chapter takes him with his roster of Pokémon will be exciting to witness.

Ash has exceeded underdog expectations time and time again. Can he defy the odds to become both the world’s greatest Pokémon Master AND catcher? Only time will tell!

For now, Pokémon fans everywhere will be cheering him on for that next iconic capture and forging more unforgettable bonds with both new and classic Pokémon.

Let me know what you think – does the Pokémon Master have enough left to catch ‘em all down the road? Which Pokémon might he add next to his legendary lineup?

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