Does Ash Ever Use a Master Ball? A Deep Dive for Pokemon Fans

In over 25 years and over 1,100 anime episodes, Ash Ketchum has never used or possessed a Master Ball. This ultra-powerful pokemon catching device remains an elusive item for the iconic trainer, despite encountering numerous legendaries.

What is the Significance of the Master Ball?

The Master Ball is a one-of-a-kind poke ball introduced in Generation I Pokemon games. True to its name, it has a 100% catch rate on any pokemon without fail. Every game only gives the player one or two Master Balls maximum.

In the anime, however, Master Balls are even rarer. According to Bulbapedia, the famous Pokemon wiki, the Master Ball has only appeared once in the entire anime series spanning over two decades.

The One Master Ball Anime Appearance

That sole appearance occurred in the Advanced Generation series episode "Whiscash and Ash". In the episode, a pokemon researcher named Sullivan attempts to use a Master Ball to catch a giant Whiscash that had long evaded him.

Ironically, the Whiscash swallows the Master Ball and escapes, squandering the one-time-only item. Neither Ash nor his friends ever acquire this Master Ball.

Whiscash Swallowing Master Ball

*Sullivan‘s Master Ball Gets Swallowed – Image from Bulbapedia*

So in over 1,100 episodes spanning 25 seasons, a Master Ball has only appeared this one time and was ineffective.

But why hasn‘t Ash come across another one? And why not use it to catch an elusive legendary Pokemon?

Legendary Encounters Where a Master Ball Could Have Helped

As one of the longest-running anime protagonists ever, Ash has bonded with numerous legendary creatures:

Legendary PokemonRegionDetails
LugiaOrange IslandsHelped calm raging Lugia; did not try catching it
EnteiJohtoBonded like family; released to continue roaming free
Latios & LatiasHoennClose friends; safeguarded Alto Mare with their help
DarkraiSinnohBattled powerful Darkrai; respected its strength
ZekromUnovaHelped guide ideals-based Zekrom; did not catch
ReshiramUnovaGuided truth-seeking Reshiram; let it flee
Zacian & ZamazentaGalarBattled but freed the legendaries after crisis resolved

As this table shows, Ash has had numerous opportunities to catch legendary Pokemon. So why hasn‘t he?

Why Ash Chooses Not to Catch Legendaries

Throughout his journeys, Ash has intentionally chosen not to catch the vast majority of legendaries he encounters. He seems to understand these Pokemon represent ideals and natural orders far greater than battling and badges.

As ScreenRant notes:

"Ash has had multiple chances to catch a legendary Pokémon throughout the series but never did, despite forming close bonds with a few of them in the wild."

Unlike his earlier arrogant days, Ash respects the freedom and balance provided by legendary creatures roaming free. He helps guide or save distressed legendaries, but allows them to ultimately return protecting their domains.

This context explains why even if gifted an invaluable Master Ball, Ash likely would not have used it on the legendary Pokemon he has encountered and befriended.

Ash‘s Rarest Pokemon Catch

So what is the rarest Pokemon Ash has caught in 25 seasons and over 100 caught species?

That distinction goes to his Shiny Noctowl caught early on in Johto‘s Kanto badges quest.

In the episode "Fowl Play", Ash encounters a rare alternate-color Noctowl that he ends up catching. Aside from its shiny status, this Noctowl was also unusually small.

To date, this Shiny Noctowl remains the only alternate-color pokemon Ash has ever caught. That combined with its diminutive size cements Noctowl‘s status as Ash‘s rarest catch.

Ash‘s Story is Ending

After 25 remarkable years, Ash Ketchum‘s pokemon anime journey is coming to a close in 2024.

He will conclude his quest to become a Pokemon Master in the Pokemon Ultimate Journeys finale before passing the protagonist torch in April 2023.

Taking his place will be two new leading characters named Liko and Roy. Unlike previous companion shakeups, however, Ash will not continue on with Liko and Roy.

Instead, Pokemon is celebrating Ash‘s achievements with a dedicated final episode highlighting his greatest memories. Then the iconic trainer will pass into retirement, concluding his era as franchise face.

So while fan theories will continue to speculate on what could have been, Ash‘s decision not to catch legendaries or use a Master Ball will remain cemented in Pokemon animation history.

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