Does Ash Leave All His Pokémon in Alola?

Yes, at the end of the Alola anime arc, Ash made the difficult decision to leave behind all the Pokémon he caught during his adventures in the Alola region. This included several beloved teammates like his trusty Rowlet, fiercely loyal Litten who later evolved into Incineroar, and the hot-blooded Lycanroc.

Why Did Ash Leave His Pokémon in Alola?

Saying goodbye is never easy, especially for a trainer as close with his Pokémon as Ash. But he had an important reason – Ash left his Alolan Pokémon team to protect the region he had come to love as a new home.

After facing numerous threats like Guzzlord and Necrozma as Ultra Guardians, Ash knew his Pokémon could help Professor Kukui and Professor Burnet defend Alola from future danger. By leaving them as custodians of the islands alongside his mentors, he ensured Alola would remain safe under their watchful eyes.

Ash‘s Alola Pokémon Roster

Over the course of his eventful island challenge, Ash built a diverse and powerful team of new Alolan Pokémon partners. Here‘s a recap of his lineup from Alola:

Rowlet"First Catch in Alola"Ash‘s first capture in Alola, bonded closely with this loyal Grass Quill Pokémon
Lycanroc (Dusk Form)"Rising from the Ruins"A rare event-exclusive form, helped Ash clinch the Alola League title
Litten"One Journey Ends, Another Begins"Eventually evolved into the formidable Fire Cat Pokémon Incineroar
Naganadel"The Shape of Love to Come!"A Poison Pin Pokémon befriended as Poipole, returned to its Ultra Space home

In addition to his catches, Ash formed friendships with the Mythical Pokémon Solgaleo, Lunala, and Melmetal during his Island Pilgrimage. But his biggest stars in Alola were undoubtedly his catch trio of Rowlet, Lycanroc, and Incineroar.

Ash‘s Alola League Performance

As a culmination of his Island Challenge, Ash entered and won the inaugural Alola Pokémon League competition. This marked his first major title after 25 years of Pokémon training!

He blazed through the tournament, suffering only one defeat across six matches. In the finals, Ash defeated Gladion in a down-to-the-wire 3 vs 3 battle:

Lycanroc‘s victory over Gladion‘s Midnight Form Lycanroc clinched the championship for Ash. Image: Pokémon anime (Shogakukan)

This incredible feat simply wouldn‘t have been possible without the strength of Ash‘s Alola Pokémon team. Their bond and power carried him to ultimate glory.

Will Ash Reunite With His Alolan Team?

In a recent episode preview, we caught a glimpse of Ash returning to Alola alongside new traveling companion Goh. There he joyously reunites with Professor Kukui, Professor Burnet, and his beloved Pokémon comrades!

While we don‘t know yet whether he will take any back with him on his new journey, it warms fans‘ hearts to see trainer and Pokémon brought back together again. Ash leaving his Alolan Pokémon always seemed temporary – like saying "see you later" rather than goodbye.

Now as their skills and might have grown even further during their vigil over Alola, could we see Ash call on his old friends for help in a future World Coronation series match? Only time will tell!

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