Does Asphalt 9 Have an Offline Mode?

No, unfortunately Asphalt 9 Legends requires an internet connection to play and does not currently have an offline mode. This online-only approach was implemented intentionally by Gameloft to maximize revenue and prevent hacking.

As a long-time Asphalt fan who has poured hours into these games since the early Nokia days, I understand the pain this causes players dealt a bad hand on connectivity. But let‘s dive deeper into why Gameloft went this route and what you can do to better enjoy Asphalt 9‘s slick racing action.

Why Require an Online Connection? Follow the Money

Gameloft decided to make Asphalt 9 online-only for two key reasons:

1. Increase In-Game Purchases

The mobile gaming market has exploded into a billion dollar industry, with a large chunk of revenue coming from in-app purchases and ads.

According to Statista, mobile game revenue from in-app purchases recently crossed $100 billion globally:

| Year | In-app Purchase Rev |  
| 2020 | $87 billion         |
| 2021 | $98 billion         |
| 2022 | $107 billion        |

By storing player progression and content updates on remote servers instead of locally, Gameloft can constantly push new content and incentivize purchases through limited-time events and seasonal exclusives. Veteran Asphalt fans may remember Asphalt 8 reached an unwieldy 5+ GB install size near the end of updates due to all content being packed offline into one app.

2. Prevent Cheating & Hacking

Previous offline Asphalt games were susceptible to hacking apps and mods that allowed playing with unlimited currency or maxed out cars. These diminished Gameloft‘s ability to monetize and reduced incentives for legit players to grind or pay up.

While certainly unpopular among fans, the online requirement makes perfect sense from the publisher perspective to protect their profits. We‘ve seen other franchises like Diablo Immortal implement similarly controversial monetization tactics for the same reasons.

How Earlier Games Like Asphalt 8 Handled Offline Play

Long-time fans may recall the Asphalt franchise previously offered offline modes to cater to players with limited connectivity. For example:

Asphalt 8 Airborne

Asphalt 8 provided essentially full functionality offline:

  • Career mode progression saved locally
  • Single player modes accessible
  • Local multiplayer sans online Leaderboards

The game only required internet connectivity intermittently to sync progress or access online features. This provided nice flexibility for when mobile connections falter.

Asphalt 7 Heat

Asphalt 7 also enabled offline play for Career with internet only needed for updates. But Gameloft began shifting gears here…

While playable offline, certain single player Career events were locked behind one-time online checks to prevent tampering. This foreshadowed the always-online shift that culminated in Asphalt 9 Legends.

Connectivity Tips from a Long-Time Asphalt Fan

While Asphalt 9‘s online requirement causes headaches, particularly for players with spotty connections, there are some steps you can take to minimize disruption:

Prioritize WiFi

Asphalt 9 is fairly data intensive, with races consuming up to 30-60 MB each. Extended sessions can quickly eat through mobile plan allowances. Save your data by connecting via WiFi whenever possible.

Disable Battery Saving

Overzealous battery saving configurations can terminate background apps. Disable these auto restrictions so Asphalt 9 maintains a persistent connection.

Retry Before Quitting

Temporary hiccups when switching networks or due to interference can cause connection errors. Before rage quitting, hit retry a few times to see if it resolves without losing race progress.

Will Offline Play Ever Come?

Currently Asphalt 9 offers no way to bypass the online requirement and play offline. And Gameloft has not announced plans to change this moving forward.

However, longtime fans will remember community backlash eventually pressured Gameloft to add offline support to Asphalt 7 after initial launch. So while unlikely in the short term, sustained feedback from players may gradually sway them to accommodate offline play.

Although given the clear monetary incentives outlined above, I expect Gameloft will resist offline mode indefinitely unless gamers unite around this issue.

The Bottom Line

While annoying for gamers like myself looking to burn rubber anytime, anywhere, the online connectivity in Asphalt 9 makes total sense for Gameloft‘s bottom line. Until players stop rewarding these tactics with ample in-app spend, publishers will continue restricting access to maximize engagement.

So for now offline freedom remains a pipe dream. Our only options are keeping the data spigot flowing or rerouting to earlier franchise titles. Small comfort for those itching to test their skills against the world‘s fastest freewheeling friends and foes!

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