Does beating greedier unlock greed unlocks?

Yes! Completing Greedier mode with a character will retroactively unlock any items, achievements or unlocks from regular Greed mode that you haven‘t gotten yet. So beating the harder Greedier version counts as clearing Greed when it comes to new unlocks.

Key Differences Between Greed and Greedier

While beating Greedier ticks the boxes for Greed rewards and post-it note completion, I want to emphasize that these two modes are still tracked completely separately in some important ways:

MetricGreed ModeGreedier Mode
Completion MarksUnique marks, need bothUnique marks, need both
Jam Chance20% max at 200 coins1% max at 55 coins
Floors/Waves6 floors, 10-11 wavesVaried layouts, extra hard waves
Final BossUltra GreedUltra Greed + Statue Phase

As a passionate Isaac expert, I want to emphasize that fully completing a character requires skillful mastery of both game modes.

Unlocking Greedier and Minimizing Machine Jams

To open up this exciting extra challenge, players must first donate 500 coins to the Greed Machine. Based on the jam mechanics our dataminer friends have uncovered, I recommend:

  • Use a different character each run to keep individual jam odds low
  • Utilize the 2 of Diamonds card to donate coins in batches of 50
  • When close to 500 coins, break the game via infinite combos and loop Ultra Greed kills to safely top up donations

As the table shows, Greedier has much lower jam rates overall. But when pushing for those last few unlocks, manipulate jam odds in your favor! Once unlocked, Greedier opens up new item unlocks and achievements to pursue.

Advanced Greedier Strategies and Item Combos

As an Isaac theorycrafter at heart, I love discovering powerful item synergies and game-breaking tactics. Here are some of my spiciest Greedier strats:

Double Steam Sale + Restock: Generate unlimited money to buy whatever items you want! Add a Battery item too for infinite uses of any activated ability.

Glowing Hourglass: Reset the floor after beating Ultra Greed to farm extra completion marks and jam the machine less.

Car Battery + Book of Revelations: Stock up on soul hearts between waves to keep the damageless bonuses running.

Of course, the list goes on and on when it comes to wacky Isaac builds! Mixing multiple actives with Car Battery is always a recipe for fireworks. I also advise checking shops regularly with the Restock machine and Coupon – the random item generation can pay off big time!

In Conclusion

While clearing Greedier ticks off unlocks and post-it completion for both modes, keep in mind that marks and stats are still tracked separately! My advice is master both to fully round out your Isaac journey.

And for players chasing that coveted 1,000 coin Keeper unlock – stay patient, stick to the strategies above, and never underestimate the power of game-breaking item combos when tackling Greedier‘s daunting donation requirements!

Let me know if this guide answered your question around unlock requirements, or if you have any other requests for future Isaac content! I‘m always happy to dive deeper into this masterfully replayable roguelite.

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