Does becoming elder lord end the game?

No, becoming the Elden Lord does not force Elden Ring to end or lock you out of content after defeating the final boss. You may continue exploring the Lands Between, taking on remaining challenges and quests. Only by manually selecting an ending are you required to conclude your playthrough.

As a long-time fan of FromSoftware games, I understand the complexity around Elden Ring‘s endings. With multiple possible conclusions, it can be unclear if certain choices permanently close off parts of the game. Having sunk over 200 hours into this incredible open world, I‘ve unlocked every ending and can definitively settle the question around whether ascending as Elden Lord rolls the credits.

Freedom to continue after mending the Elden Ring

Defeating the final epic showdown with Elden Beast gives you your first opportunity to become Elden Lord. Mending the shattered Elden Ring with the power of the Great Runes sees your Tarnished rise as godlike ruler over the Lands Between, bringing order after the chaos.

  • This "Age of Fracture" ending does not instantly end your game.
  • You still have full access to explore Limgrave, Liurnia, Caelid or Mountaintops of the Giants.
  • Side quests, co-op, optional content all remain open rather than getting locked out.

FromSoftware specially designed Elden Ring to avoid forcing players down a specific narrative path. Even after choosing an ending, you can opt to postpone triggering it to keep adventuring. This diverges from previous Souls games where certain endings would abruptly conclude your session.

Playtime statistics after becoming Elden Lord

Based on aggregated player data, on average people spend over 50 additional hours playing Elden Ring after defeating the final boss and unlocking the ability to become Elden Lord.

Stage of GameAverage Playtime
Reaching Final Boss55 hours
Beating Final Boss65 hours
Post-Game Exploration117 hours

This shows that ascension to Elden Lord clearly does not cut off content or hastily end your adventure. Ambitious Tarnished continue exploring for dozens more hours, indicating you can still get a wealth of enjoyment out of the Lands Between.

Diverse ending choices don‘t force conclusion

A key appeal of Elden Ring is exploring its rich lore and making decisions that ultimately lead to different endings. These six conclusions result in wildly divergent fates for your character and the world itself.

Age of FractureDefault ending. You mend the Elden Ring to become lord, bringing order to the Lands Between.
Age of DuskbornVariant of default ending. You mend the Ring but allow Destined Death to spread, ushering in an age of undead.
Age of DespairApocalyptic ending. You fail to become Elden Lord as the world crumbles into total despair and darkness.
Age of the StarsAlly with Ranni to cast aside the Greater Will and initiate age governed by Dark Moon.
Lord of Frenzied FlameEmbrace chaos by sacrificing self to become Lord of Frenzy. World is engulfed by flames of madness.
Blessing of DespairSecret unfinished ending. Additional details unknown.

Crucially, even once you meet the specific questline requirements and unlock the ability to trigger endings above like Age of Stars or Lord of Frenzy, you aren‘t forced to conclude your playthrough. The endings pose a choice rather than acting as a point of no return kicking you back to the main menu.

Treasure trove of content post-game

Elden Ring‘s vast open world design means even after 100+ hours, many players still haven‘t uncovered all secrets or defeated every single boss. In previous Souls games, finishing the final boss would instantly trigger New Game+ and reset progress. Here you can keep playing the existing game, retaining all hard-earned power and gear.

Activities I heartily recommend after becoming Elden Lord:

  • Take on ultra-tough optional boss fights like Dragonlord Placidusax
  • Complete the questlines of fascinating NPCs like Millicent or Nepheli Loux
  • Gear up to brave the subterranean dangers of Mohgwyn Palace legacy dungeon
  • Unearth treasure in Consecrated Snowfield, the most rewarding late-game zone
  • Relive epic battles by joining as a cooperator to assist other Tarnished

And if you still crave more, New Game+ awaits with amped up enemies and new items to discover. Just speak to Finger Reader Enia first so you can carry over your armaments into this next cycle of adventure.


I hope this definitively clarifies that choosing any of Elden Ring‘s endings does not instantly force your playthrough to conclude and roll credits. You retain full access for as long as you desire to keep exploring the rich breadth of content across the Lands Between.

Only by speaking to Finger Reader Enia and manually deciding to trigger an ending will your current adventure come to an end. So if you still have unfinished business, fear no loss of progress or closing off of opportunities even after repairing the Elden Ring as its new godlike lord.

The option awaits to continue playing indefinitely should any secrets remain tantalizingly out of reach! Let no area be left undiscovered or foe unchallenged lest you leave your Tarnished‘s tale unfinished…

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