Does Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Have a Canon Ending?

As a long-time Call of Duty fanatic and gaming guide writer, I can definitively say that yes, Treyarch‘s 2012 entry Black Ops 2 does have a canonical ending amidst its multiple story branches.

So What Exactly is Black Ops 2‘s "True" Ending?

Black Ops 2‘s campaign features a dynamic narrative with numerous possible outcomes based on the player‘s choices. But within those swirling threads lies a path that sees bestimmte characters survive and specific actions taken to trigger the finale Treyarch intended to represent the true events of the game‘s storyline.

In the canonical conclusion, the protagonist aids Maxis in harnessing the Aether‘s power to assume control, trapping the villainous Richtofen inside a zombie‘s flesh. This is the ending that cleanly wraps up Black Ops 2‘s overarching narrative and sets up the next zombie chapter.

To arrive at the canon ending, players must:

Check out this video showcasing Black Ops 2‘s "best" ending path:

If you fail to meet those requirements, one of seven alternate, non-canon conclusions will unfold instead.

Analyzing Black Ops 2‘s Multiple Endings

With so many narrative branches stemming from player agency, you may be wondering – how do I ensure I arrive at Black Ops 2‘s true ending?

As a Call of Duty expert, I‘ve mapped out an in-depth guide to achieving every conclusion so you can better understand the pathway to canon:

Black Ops 2 Ending Guide

Ending TypeConditionsResults
Best (Canonical)Spare Menendez, Complete Strike Missions, Chloe & Alex SurviveMaxis Ascends, Richtofen Trapped
GoodSpare Menendez, Chloe Dies, Alex LivesMenendez Imprisoned, Mason Retires
AlternateShoot MenendezWorld Suffers
AlternateFail Strike MissionsWinslow Accused, Unrest Continues
AlternateHarper Lives, Chloe DiesUS Military Victorious
AlternateHarper Dies, Chloe LivesTemporary Peace Under China
AlternateBoth Harper & Chloe DieGlobal Conflict Persists
AlternateBoth Chloe & Alex DieMental Breakdown

As you can see, small shifts in choice or circumstance can dramatically reshape Black Ops 2‘s conclusion.

Now let‘s analyze the critical decisions that determine which ending plays out:

Sparing Menendez

The first pivotal fork in the narrative road involves electing to capture rather than kill Raul Menendez during the climatic assault in "Judgement Day." Eliminating this charismatic villain serves as the inciting grievance for the most chaotic endings. Keeping him imprisoned, however, locks his plans down.

Strike Force Missions

These four optional operations appear between story missions and task players with leading squads to complete various objectives. Success helps shore up global defenses against Menendez‘s viral attacks – thereby enabling the best ending. Fail even one, and the world‘s networks crash – spurring unrest.

Harper & Chloe‘s Survival

U.S Navy SEAL Commander Mike Harper and CIA operative Chloe Lynch represent two members of the player‘s squad. Keeping both alive ensures enough key figures remain to stabilize Menendez‘s fallout during the best ending.

Lose one or both, and their unique capabilities are missing from the finale – negatively impacting the outcome.

Sit back and assess your choices carefully throughout the game if you hope to steer events towards the canon arc!

Is Black Ops 2‘s Campaign Canon in the Larger Call of Duty Universe?

Beyond defining this individual game‘s true ending, fans may also wonder whether Black Ops 2 itself is considered canonical within Call of Duty‘s expansive fictional universe.

The answer is yes – Black Ops 2‘s historical Cold War setting and narrative events still fit within core Call of Duty continuity.

Other franchises sometimes dismiss less well-received entries as non-canon. But Treyarch‘s sequels explicitly reference and pull from plot threads established in Black Ops 2.

So while players might arrive at one of several endings, the overarching circumstances of Raul Menendez‘s cordis die movement still unfold as canonical history in this fictional timeline.

The Takeaway: Follow the Golden Path

Deviating from Call of Duty: Black Ops 2‘s "golden path" by straying from key choices certainly spices up replays. But to experience Treyarch‘s complete intended vision – and gain vital narrative context for the later Black Ops titles – fighting to the true ending is an absolute must!

The next time you boot up your campaign, refer to my guide to guarantee you stick to the righteous course. Only then will the full picture come into focus.

As a passionate CoD expert dedicated to enriching fellow fans‘ gameplay experiences, I hope this overview gives you new insight into unlocking Black Ops 2‘s exciting canonical finale for yourself!

Let me know in the comments if you have any other questions about achieving the best ending. And stay tuned right here for my next deep dive into another essential Call of Duty narrative journey.

Happy gaming!

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