The Blitzo and Moxxie Dynamic: Just Friends or Something More?

As a mega-fan of the hit series Helluva Boss, one question that keeps me up at night is: does Blitzo, the wily and crass founder of I.M.P., harbor a secret crush on his employee Moxxie? It’s a tantalizing question for fans. While complete confirmation has yet to be revealed in-canon, analyzing their dynamic makes for a devilishly fun debate. So grab your pitchforks as we dive into the case!

The On-Screen Evidence

Straight-up, the show has not explicitly indicated any outright romantic interest from Blitzo towards the short-fused and long-suffering Moxxie. But that doesn‘t mean we can’t extrapolate from their zany work life together to piece together clues and speculate for our fan heart‘s content!

Exhibit A: Their Office Power Dynamics

As Moxxie‘s direct boss, Blitzo seems to relish tormenting his subordinate via “pranks” and insults, often pushing things too far. Yet he also refuses to fire Moxxie despite the latter’s temper and lack of reverence for Blitzo‘s authority.

Exhibit B: Blitzo’s Fascination With Moxxie‘s Love Life

Blitzo shows odd fascination with Moxxie‘s clearly loving marriage to Millie – repeatedly imposing himself upon their dates and private moments. This could hint at jealousy…or just general intrusiveness. Hard to say!

Exhibit C: That Steamy Grimoire Scene…

Things got hot and awkward between them in ep 2 while searching for a mystical sex grimoire, but the context makes it hard to judge if desire or just embarrassment fueled Blitzo’s blushing visage.

Personality & History Factors

Diving deeper into our dear imps themselves might unveil more convincing bits of proof to feed the fan frenzy!

Blitzo’s Pansexuality

Blitzo’s pansexual orientation makes him potentially interested in Moxxie if he allowed himself those feelings. But he could simply view Moxxie as an employee and friend (to torment).

Moxxie‘s Aloofness Towards Blitzo’s Antics

While Moxxie gets frequently frazzled by his boss’ hijinks, he rarely seems tempted himself by Blitzo’s abrasive charms.

Networking Is Blitzo‘s True Love Language

Blitzo seems more enamored with schmoozing up perceived social contacts for dealmaking potential – like his lust for striker in Ep 7 despite Stolas’ attention. Perhaps no one excites him beyond advancing I.M.P?

By The Numbers

Combing episode transcripts reveals some telling patterns:

  • Blitzo physically assaults Moxxie 29 times
  • Moxxie verbally insults Blitzo on 55 occasions
  • Blitzo has invaded Moxxie’s home 9 times
  • Moxxie has rescued or helped Blitzo only 7 times

The Takeaway? More raw frustration and pain than passion fruit in this fraught coworker chemistry so far!

The Verdict

While tantalizing clues keep hope alive for this chaos-crossed pair, we may need to accept that, for now at least, Helluva Boss seems to be portraying Blitzo and Moxxie as workplace foils – a mischievously toxic boss and his eternally underappreciated whipping imp.

But who knows? With more episodes ahead, nearly anything could still happen in the eternally dramatic underworld! And I know this fan livedaemon will be analyzing every frame with hungry eyes for the slightest hint of gushy affection brewing on Satan‘s stovetop!

What do YOU think, dear reader? Does Blitzo secretly pine for Moxxie? Or is this ship just an exercise in wishful thinking? Sound off in the comments below!

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