Does body armor drink go bad?

Yes, BODYARMOR electrolyte drinks eventually expire and go bad based on storage conditions and ingredients used. As an avid gamer constantly hydrating between matches, you need to know the shelf life of your go-to beverages.

When your BODYARMOR spoils, it impacts gameplay by lowering energy, focus, reaction time, and cognitive ability. I‘ll equip you with everything to determine drink freshness and keep your hydration game on point.

Monitoring BODYARMOR for freshness

Gamers ingest around 12 ounces per hour during intense gaming sessions. Consuming spoiled drinks introduces bacteria, molds, and chemical contaminants that hinder performance. Inspect your ARMOR stash regularly with these tips:

How to spot spoiled BODYARMOR

Sniff test your BODYARMORS first. If you detect putrid, sour, or moldy odors, toss them. Visually check for:

  • Cloudiness
  • Particles
  • Discoloration
  • Mold spots
  • Layer separation

If the drink lacks fizz, tastes funky, or burns your throat, it‘s unfit for play.

I once powered through three cans from the back of my fridge before realizing they‘d gone bad. My K/D ratio soon mirrored the drinks — utterly spoiled. Don‘t repeat my mistake!

Reading expiration dates

Etched or printed dates on all BODYARMOR indicate peak freshness:

  • Bottles: Check etching on bottom
  • Cans: Rim stamped

While playable past this date, expect declining quality. Like many gamers learning the hard way during launch night all-nighters, no amount of caffeinated fervor outweighs degraded performance over time.

Avoiding temperature extremes

Heat and freezing destabilize ingredients and breed bacteria. Store ARMORs:

  • Below 77°F
  • Out of sunlight
  • Away from hot electronics

Pro tip: Keep a stash beside your game station for quick, cool refreshment between matches.

Why BODYARMOR goes bad

BODYARMOR contains vitamins, electrolytes, minerals and other sensitive nutrients affected by:

Ingredient instability

  • Vitamin degradation – Exposure to light/heat destroys vitamins
  • Electrolyte imbalance – Water loss alters mineral ratios
  • Flavor/color fading – Chemical changes worsen taste

Similar issues plague foods and medicines. But unlike Doritos or prescription meds, downing distorted drinks poses fewer risks besides potential yuck factor and performance issues.

Microbes multiply

Given sufficient warmth and water, bacteria and mold propagate faster than kill-death ratios in a Command & Conquer skirmish.

Sweet, water-based drinks like BODYARMOR allow rapid fungal expansion and fermentation. While likely not life-threatening, digesting microbe overgrowths may lead to discomfort, nausea, and Gregg heading for the bushes before finishing the raid.

Maximizing BODYARMOR shelf life

You can retain optimal drink quality longer through:


Chilling below 40°F drastically slows spoilage. The fridge holds opened ARMORs for around 7-10 days.

Limited oxygen exposure

Like an LSAT sniper, oxygen slowly destroys flavor over time. Minimize air contact by:

  • Tightly sealing containers
  • Using smallest containers possible
  • Finishing within 2 days of opening

Sunlight/heat avoidance

I once baked a BODYARMOR-filled cooler in my car for 8 hours after a late night food run. The current state of those bottles mirrors abandoned Chernobyl reactors. Don‘t repeat my mistakes.

Preventing cross-contamination

Wash hands and surfaces contacting drink ingredients to limit mold transfers.

Under ideal conditions, unopened BODYARMOR lasts 6-9 months past its date. But why risk diminished quality and performance? Follow my tips for endless supply of fresh, thirst-quenching, game-enhancing ARMOR when battle calls.

Body armor gear also has expiration dates

It‘s crucial distinguishing between the drink expiring and actual ballistic body equipment degrading over time. Just because your BODYARMOR drink sours doesn‘t mean your ops suit meets the same fate.

Shelf life of armor types

Balistic plates and fabrics endure heavy combat abuse, requiring replacement as technology improves.

  • Soft armor: Replace every 5 years
  • Steel plates: Up to 20 years
  • Ceramic: Replace at 5-7 years

Consult your gear guide for usage limits and damage inspection steps. Don‘t let spoiled drinks distort your perception of perfectly sound armor!

The expired BODYARMOR aftermath

So you double-fisted tainted cans last raid and now feel queasier than that RTX 3090 scalper outside Micro Center. What next?

Weather the storm

In most cases, ride out minor stomach irritation. Stay hydrated with fresh fluids like water or Pedialyte. Activated charcoal capsules may provide relief too.

And definitely keep reading my guides to avoid future fiascos!

Monitor symptoms

If conditions persist beyond 24 hours or worsen severely, seek medical attention.

While extremely rare, significant body armor drink spoilage and resulting toxins could induce bouts of gastrointestinal unrest. But typically, expired drink side effects pass quickly with our hardy gamer constitutions!

Dispose properly

Once you‘ve identified rotten ARMORs, pour them out safely:

  • Avoid sinks (pipe clogs)
  • Never dump down storm drains (environmental hazard)
  • Mix with coffee grounds/dirt to limit appeal before trashing

Following proper disposal protocols maintains hygiene standards expected from leaders topping Warzone kill charts like us.

Restock fresh reserves

Finally, restock your secured hydration reserves so future all-night virtual ops don‘t end prematurely! Check expiration dates at purchase and apply the wisdom gleaned here for endless gaming domination.

Now who wants to squad up for some Plunder???

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