Yes, Borderlands 2 continues the story from Borderlands 1

As a passionate Borderlands fan eagerly awaiting news of the series‘ future, I can definitively say Borderlands 2 picks up where the original left off, advancing the story of Pandora‘s Vault Hunters five years later with both fresh faces and familiar ones.

We Left Pandora‘s Fate Unknown

The first Borderlands thrust players into the shoes of one of four mercenary "Vault Hunters" out to uncover alien technologies hidden on Pandora. This dangerous planet‘s desert wastelands concealed mysteries that these combat-hardened heroes began to unravel in their fight against local bandits and wildlife.

After discovering an ancient Vault and defeating the alien monster within, our heroes looked into the distance as a mysterious spaceship approached – setting up an impending invasion for the sequel.

Handsome Jack Takes Over in Borderlands 2

In those five years between games, the Hyperion Corporation tightened its iron grip on Pandora, with ruthless CEO Handsome Jack seizing control. His forces wage war against any resistance so he can mine Pandora‘s mineral resources undisturbed for profit.

Both familiar allies like Roland, Lilith, Mordecai and Claptrap return as key members of a rebel guerilla force dubbed the Crimson Raiders. They‘ll aide the new Vault Hunters comprising Borderlands 2‘s playable characters in overthrowing Handsome Jack‘s dictatorship.

Returning CharacterRole in Borderlands 2
RolandLeader of the Crimson Raiders
LilithFounding member of the Crimson Raiders with powerful Siren abilities
MordecaiSharpshooting expert assisting the Raiders
ClaptrapComic relief robot assisting Vault Hunter allies

Vaults Still at the Core of Borderlands

Handsome Jack hears word of an even greater Vault possibly hiding on Pandora – the ominous-sounding "Warrior" – promising wealth and power beyond his wildest dreams if uncovered.

As in the first game, Vaults drive the central storyline as our heroes ally with resistance forces to find this mythical treasure ahead of Jack, leading players on an epic globe-trotting journey across Pandora‘s diverse biomes.

Ultimate Vault Hunter and Beyond

Upon completing Borderlands 2‘s core campaign, an "Ultimate Vault Hunter" mode unlocks. This cranks up the challenge to let experienced players battle through the content again at higher levels with deadlier enemies.

And the Borderlands series keeps expanding from there! Tales from the Borderlands adventure games continue the storyline, then Borderlands 3 released in 2019 with new Vaults to plunder on distant worlds, keeping that core looting-and-shooting gameplay fans adore intact.

Does Borderlands 2 Improve on the Original?

With seven years separating their releases and a new generation of gaming hardware, Borderlands 2 made significant leaps over the first game at launch:

  • More playable characters – expanding from 4 classes to 6
  • Larger arsenal of guns – millions of randomly-generated options
  • A wider array of environments – arctic, grassland and more added
  • Streamlined roleplaying systems
  • Bigger spectacle and set pieces
  • Four sizable story-driven campaign DLCs raising replay value
Game Stats ComparisonBorderlands 1Borderlands 2
Weapons17.75 million87 bazillion?
EnvironmentsArid badlandsMore diversity
Campaign Playtime~30 hours~45 hours
DLC Playtime~12 hours~40 hours

So while the core shooter action stays satisfyingly familiar, Borderlands 2 marks a big evolutionary leap for the series‘ scope and content breadth in its return to Pandora.

Should You Play Borderlands 1 First?

  • I‘d highly recommend playing Borderlands 1 before its sequel! Picking up Easter eggs and callbacks to the first game enriches the experience.
  • Seeing familiar faces return makes their roles in the rebellion more impactful
  • You grow more attached to Pandora itself across two epic adventures there.
  • Handsome Jack becomes a more despised villain usurping control from characters you‘ve fought alongside already.

However, if you want to simply dive right into Borderlands 2 as your introduction to the wild, chaotic world of Pandora and its Vault obsession, that alone is a blast! Just expect light confusion on some plot references assuming knowledge of past events.

Bottom line – while not required, playing both titles in order makes for the richest Borderlands saga immersion!

So in closing, yes – Borderlands 2 directly continues Borderlands 1‘s story years later with returning characters against the fresh threat of Handsome Jack. With huge leaps in content and gameplay scope from the original, it kicked off a bold new era for the Borderlands franchise that continues evolving today! Let me know if you have any other questions in the comments!

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