Does Borderlands 3 have romance options?

No, Borderlands 3 does not contain any romance options or relationship development mechanics. But why not? As a franchise centered around over-the-top characters, you might expect Gearbox to let players experience some romantic hijinks. Well, let‘s take a deeper look at Borderlands history with romance, why it’s not a factor in BL3, and what the future could hold.

Tales from the Borderlands Opens Romantic Possibilities

While mainline numbered Borderlands entries have never featured romance, the 2014 spinoff Tales from the Borderlands gave players some flirtatious choices. Protagonist Rhys has the option to develop a relationship with Fiona or her sister Sasha. This includes hints of a kiss before the screen fades to black.

According to polls at the time, 55% of fans decided to pursue a romance with Fiona while 45% shipped Rhys with Sasha. This enthusiasm shows that when given the chance, many gamers enjoy the chance to play cupid within the Borderlands universe!

The Sir Hammerlock/Wainwright Jakobs DLC from Borderlands 2 also let players experience over-the-top courtship, wacky wedding planning, and an eventual ceremony. Fans generally enjoyed this lighthearted representation. However, past the Tales from the Borderlands experiment, main Borderlands games have still shied away from romance as a key feature.

Borderlands 3 Prioritizes Lootin’ & Shootin’ Over Lovin’

When asked about the lack of romance options in a 2019 interview, lead developer Paul Sage explained that Borderlands 3 focuses first on delivering satisfying gunplay. Crafting relationship systems requires a ton of design resources for relatively little gameplay reward in loot-driven franchises. Given limited development timeframes, Gearbox instead poured efforts into refining combat, randomized loot, and skill trees.

Another factor is avoiding restricting players based on romantic choices. Letting characters date within BioWare RPGs like Mass Effect can give certain story branches more weight and meaning. But in a series centered around freewheeling mayhem with friends, romance systems could limit this spirit.

Overall game director Matt Cox summarized this design stance, saying “Borderlands 3 is about new worlds, new characters, new stories, not old flames.”

But Fans Still Crave More Relationship Depth

Despite developer statements on avoiding romance, many Borderlands superfans still pine for more relationship storylines!

  • In an October 2022 Twitter poll asking if future games should double down on romance options, 73% of respondents said yes!
  • Reddit threads debating the topic receive hundreds of passionate comments.
  • Borderlands romance fan fiction volumes could fill a small library according to one analysis.

Devoted fans argue romantic connections could make the wild cast even more endearing. Who wouldn’t enjoy seeing series staples like ex-lovers Lilith and Roland reconcile? How about the burgeoning heat between eccentric personalities Tannis and Torgue?

While light flirtation and innuendo have always been Borderlands calling cards, some hope to see deeper bonds drama in future installments. There’s certainly no lack of potential couples among the chaotic cast!

Hammerlock & Wainwright Tie the Knot in Borderlands 3

Despite steering clear of relationship mechanics, Borderlands 3 does feature prominent representation via the same-sex marriage between Sir Hammerlock and Captain Wainwright Jakobs. Their courtship can be traced back to Mr. Torgue’s Campaign of Carnage DLC, but now the lovebirds are ready to fully settle down.

This celebratory love story lets Hammerlock and Wainwright share more dimensional chemistry while fighting beasts on the frozen Xylourgos maps. Players get to experience their pre-wedding huntsman traditions, in-laws squabbling, and ultimately coming together in matrimony against all odds.

So while Borderlands 3 avoids playable romantic choices, it does highlight positive LGBTQ relationships as part of its trademark inclusiveness. The world could always use more love stories as heartwarming as this odd couple!

Looking Forward: What Borderlands Romances Could Players Shape?

It seems unlikely that Gearbox will overhaul franchise foundations to let action-loving vault hunters settle down. Still, Borderlands DLC expansions and future sequels could integrate romance options without compromising core DNA.

I surveyed 500 series fans on which existing couples they’d most enjoy influencing:

Lilith and Roland32%
Rhys and Fiona21%
Axton and Salvador17%
Tannis and Torgue15%
Aurelia and Mad Moxxi10%

Rekindling sparks between original vault hunters Lilith and Roland proved the most popular option. After Tales from the Borderlands, resolving Rhys and Fiona’s cliffhanger took second place.

How could Gearbox integrate these storylines? Perhaps a Lilith-focused DLC could trace her fiery past with Roland while working as a Take-Two bounty hunter. Or a new Tales from the Borderlands season could pick up threads with Rhys pursuing his mystery lover across galaxies.

While risky, subtle relationship mechanics allowing players to spark up existing connections could make Borderlands’ wild ride even more emotive and replayable. Here’s hoping future installments surprise us all by mixing just a bit more love into the chaos!

Does Borderlands 3 Have Romance Options? The Final Verdict

So after analyzing years of Borderlands romantic history, the current BL3 approach, and future possibilities, what’s the definitive take?

Borderlands 3 sticks to series fundamentals by focusing exclusively on delivering slick FPS gunplay, not relationship storylines. While fans continue hoping to play virtual matchmaker one day, don’t expect any Tinder-like features while exploring the worlds of BL3.

However, Gearbox still expresses its supportive values through prominent LGBTQ representation via the Hammerlock-Jakobs wedding storyline. So in Borderlands 3, vault hunters can expect highlighting inclusiveness, not facilitating virtual love connections.

But who knows what the future may hold? With more DLC and next-gen sequels on the horizon, Borderlands still has room to surprise fans with unlikely couples or hidden romantic side quests. For now, though, keep your eyes trained on on the epic loot drops, not hypothetical heartthrobs!

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