Does Buying FFXIV: Endwalker Come with Free Game Time?

As a long-time FF14 player and content creator, this is a question I see pop up a lot when new players are looking to jump into the game. The short answer is no – the Endwalker expansion does not include any free subscription time if purchased by itself. However, there are a few ways to get free time when buying the game for the first time. Let me break it down for you…

Breaking Down FFXIV‘s Editions and What‘s Included

FFXIV has a number of different versions available to purchase, which can cause some confusion around what is actually included in each one. Here‘s a quick overview:

Starter Edition (A Realm Reborn)Base game, 30 days sub
Endwalker ExpansionLatest expansion content only
Complete EditionBase game + all expansions, 30 days sub

Looking at this table, you can see why there is some confusion between Endwalker itself coming with free time versus the Complete Edition.

The Starter Edition is the only way to get the 30 days subscription time through a standalone purchase. This does not apply if you buy Endwalker by itself.

However, since Endwalker requires the base game to play anyway, most new players opt for the Complete Edition bundle that includes everything anyway.

Getting Started with FFXIV – What New Players Need

If you or a friend are looking to get started with FFXIV for the first time, I always recommend going for the Complete Edition bundle. Here‘s why it‘s the best way to start:

  • Includes base game and all current expansions
  • 30 days of subscription time included
  • Unlocks all available content right away
  • Supports your character all the way to level 90 cap

Compared to buying piecemeal, you save money this way and don‘t need to worry about purchasing anything else for a while.

You‘ll have months of content and hundreds of hours of playtime thanks to everything being unlocked from the start. It may seem intimidating as a new player to have SO much content available right away, but honestly that‘s part of the fun and gives you freedom to explore!

Tip: Head over to New Gridania and check out the Novice Hall tutorials once you unlock your airship pass. This will teach you the battle basics!

Ongoing Subscription – What Are the Options?

Once your initial 30 days of time runs out from the Complete Edition, you‘ll of course need to continue paying your monthly sub fee to keep accessing FFXIV‘s servers.

Here‘s a look at the current subscription pricing:

Subscription TermPrice
Entry (30 days)$12.99 per month
Standard (30 days)$14.99 per month
Standard (90 days)$13.99 per month

Obviously the best savings come from the longer commitments. But for new players still checking the game out for the first time, going month-to-month is totally fine. You can always change to a longer plan later.

When thinking about the "cost" of FFXIV, it helps to compare the hours of entertainment to other activities.

For example, you could easily sink 100+ hours into just the base game and first expansion alone with a new character! Compare that to the cost of seeing a 2 hour movie. The value is quite good.

Can I Play Endwalker Content on a Free Trial?

For players who want to check out FFXIV risk-free, there is an unlimited free trial available which includes the base game + first expansion "Heavensward". However, this trial has some restrictions:

  • Free trial player cap at Level 60
  • Limited social/trading options
  • No access to Stormblood, Shadowbringers or Endwalker content

So if your goal is to play the Endwalker expansion specifcally, the trial does not have access to it. You would need to purchase the Complete Edition in that case to unlock everything.

But for new MMO players just dipping their toes in, I still think trying the free trial first is a great way to get a feel for the gameplay before spending money. Just know the limits.

If you end up hitting level 60 and loving the game, the full experience awaits!

Final Thoughts – Is FFXIV Worth It in 2023?

As someone who has been playing this game for many years across multiple expansions now, I can wholeheartedly say YES! The value I‘ve gotten out of my purchase is insane, and I‘m so glad I took a chance on FFXIV way back when.

The world, story, characters and gameplay have only gotten better with time. And based on the roadmap the developers have shared, there is still so much more on the horizon!

For any gamer who loves MMOs, story-driven RPGs or just quality games in general, I can‘t recommend FFXIV enough. The starter cost is very reasonable for the sheer amount of content you get access too.

The community is also friendly and helpful to new players, so don‘t be afraid to ask questions as you learn! If you decide to take that first step into Eorzea, I hope this guide clarified what is included with Endwalker specifically versus the Complete Edition. Let me know if you have any other questions!

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