Does C6 Bennett Ruin Xiao? Not Even Close!

Serious Xiao mains like myself know that C6 Bennett takes the Adeptus to even more insane levels of destruction. While Bennett‘s final constellation scares away some characters, I‘m here today to definitively showcase why this fiery support breaks no bounds when paired with our favorite anemo spear-wielder! 💥⚡️

Why Does Everyone Fear Bennett C6 So Much?

For real though, Bennett‘s C6 seems to spark more community drama than a new Archon quest drop. His passive talent "Fantastic Voyage" infuses melee attacks with BIG PYRO DAMAGE inside his burst zone. Harmless right?

Wrong. This very infusion overrides unique effects from characters reliant on cryo, electro, or physical DMG bonuses. Think Ayaka, Keqing, and Eula. Their optimal rotations go up in flames, quite literally.

No wonder the Genshin theorycrafting community (shoutout KQM) weighs C6 as a definite risk for your account. Heck, some even label Bennett‘s final constellation a trap! Given how versatile Bennett is across team comps, you significantly limit your options going forward if you trigger it.

So I don‘t blame folks for treading carefully around everyone‘s favorite pyro archon. But when it comes to Xiao? All that worry gets plunged out the window!

Why Xiao Gives No Cares About Bennett C6

Simply put, Xiao‘s anemo infused plunges cannot be overridden by outside elemental infusions…ever! Our boy is plunging to his own busted drumbeat. The mechanics behind his burst mode make him essentially infusion-proof.

And because Bennett C6 only changes infusion (not DMG type), Xiao still reaps every benefit with zero downside:

ATK Buff
Energy Particles
Anemo DMG%

So in summary:

If Xiao + Bennett C6 = 👍👍👍

Let‘s see the plummeting plunge numbers to back it up!

Testing Xiao‘s Optimal Rotation Damage

Thanks to KeqingMains stellar theorycrafters, we have concrete data comparing Xiao‘s damage over full rotations with and without a C6 Bennett.

Key Things to Note:

  • Xiao has 2.2K ATK after Bennett buff in both tests
  • Anemo goblet, Blackcliff Pole, +20 artifacts
  • Full team buffs are factored in like Thrilling Tales, Tenacity, VV debuff etc.
Rotation DamageC5 BennettC6 BennettChange
Xiao Solo 46.6K46.6KNo Change
Full Team 60.1K63.2K+5% Damage

So there you have it folks…Bennett C6 infusion has zero negative impact on Xiao‘s baseline damage! And If you factor in teammates buffs, Xiao actually sees a nice 5% overall DPS bump thanks to Bennett C6 amping reaction damage.

After testing in the Optimizer myself across multiple builds, I‘ve seen his C6 add anywhere from 3-8% damage in Xiao teams. Not gamebreaking, but hey more plunging carnage is always welcome from my favorite support. 👍

Crafting the Ultimate Xiao C6 Bennett Team

Now to really send Xiao into overdrive, you need the full package surrounding our turbo-charged Bennett…

Jean / Sucrose

An anemo battery is 100% vital to fueling Xiao‘s energy hungry playstyle. My C2 Jean makes this a no-brainer slot. Plus her skill/burst healing combine so nicely with Bennett for near immortality!

For those without Dandelion Tights, C1 Sucrose can work wonders funneling particles too. She also provides a chunky elemental mastery buff for amping swirl damage!


The one and only true anemo res shredder in the game currently. His shield makes you near uninterruptable during Xiao‘s burst too…so nice. Who cares about dodging when everything dies in 10s anyway right? 😂

Plus that sweet geo resonance buffs Xiao‘s plunges even more once you get constructs set up! Too bad Vortex Vanquisher evaded me and my wallet…

Fischl / Albedo

For that last slot, I lean Fischl simply because Oz fires off so much added electro damage alongside Xiao‘s rapid anemo hits. Her A4 passive fuels energy too.

Albedo works wonders as well for the sweet 125 EM boost! His blossoms add over 10K per proc consistently from what I‘ve tested…not bad at all.

C6 Bennett & Xiao – My Final Thoughts

If it wasn‘t obvious yet, Xiao gives zero cares about Bennett C6 because this fiery support just makes him even stronger. ☄️💚 Their synergy and mechanics happen to mesh perfectly for maximizing anemo plunge destruction!

So don‘t hesitate to unlock Bennett‘s final form if you run him with Xiao regularly. More buffs = more numbers right? Now if only I had this luck winning my next 50/50…🙏

Let me know your experiences with power-spike Bennett down below. And stay tuned next week when I‘ll be showcasing my C6 Kazuha gameplay! The hype never dies folks.

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