Does Childe Have a Crush on Aether in Genshin Impact?

As a long-time Genshin Impact player and content creator, this is a question I get asked a lot by viewers curious about the relationship between these two characters. After analyzing all currently available in-game lore and developer interviews, I believe there are some signs pointing to a potential crush, but no definitive proof.

Childe‘s Interest in the Traveler

First, it‘s clear Childe harbors great interest in both Aether and Lumine, the playable Traveler twins. In his character stories and voicelines, he directly states his fascination with them and desire to recruit them as allies.

For example, at the end of his Story Quest, Childe says:

"Hey, why don‘t you come to Snezhnaya with me someday? I‘ll introduce you to my family… and let you taste all the delights Snezhnaya has to offer!"

This shows he wants to bring the Traveler into his inner circle. While a caring invitation, it could also hint at deeper feelings.

Flirtatious Personality and Nicknames

As many fans note, Childe exhibits a very casual, flirtatious personality towards almost everyone. He gives Aether the nickname "buddy" and Lumine "girlie", but also uses friendly nicknames for other characters.

So while these names feel special, they likely reflect Childe‘s general personality more than a unique crush on Aether. He even calls the villain Signora "my lady" during their fight.

Close Relationships Outside the Traveler

Looking deeper into Childe‘s backstory reveals where most of his devotion lies – with his family.

In his character stories, we learn Childe cares deeply about his father, younger siblings, and duty to his nation Snezhnaya. He spends time away from them training and working as a Harbinger, but writes them frequent letters.

This suggests family takes priority over any potential romance. As his idle voice lines indicate:

"Everything I do is for the sake of my family."

Sparse Romantic Evidence in the Lore

While fans often read romantic undertones into Childe and Lumine‘s interactions, their relationship remains vague. The developers have provided no clear signs of reciprocated love.

For example, during the Labyrinth Warriors event, Childe calling Lumine "my comrade" in the JP dub led to speculation. But this is inconclusive evidence. Their fondness for sparring also doesn‘t necessarily indicate romance.

In fact, most speculation around Childe‘s love life stems from fans "shipping" the characters, not actual lore confirmation. This table summarizes the current state of common Genshin Impact ships involving Childe:

ShipEvidence in LoreProbability
Childe x LumineSparse hints onlyLow
Childe x ZhongliVery littleExtremely low

So in summary, there are no unambiguous signs of Childe harboring romantic love for Aether, Lumine, or any character as of version 3.4. Mihoyo has left relationships very open-ended.

My Perspective as a Content Creator

Given the lack of confirmation from Mihoyo, I believe there is under a 40% chance Childe has an actual crush on Aether if we go by hard evidence.

However, as someone who analyzes Genshin Impact closely for a living, I do see potential for Childe‘s interest in the Traveler to become romantic down the road. There are enough crumbs hinting at affection on Childe‘s part to make this ship plausible.

I will be excited to see if Mihoyo ever confirms this one way or another! Until then, I predict they will keep fans guessing with more vague interactions open to interpretation.


In summary, based on all currently known in-game lore and developer information, there is no definitive proof Childe harbors a crush on Aether. However, their unique relationship stands out as one fans closely speculate about. While we await potential story developments in future updates, the nature of Childe‘s fascination with the Traveler remains enticingly ambiguous.

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