Does Chloe Have a Crush on Childhood Friend Goh?

After analyzing all current evidence in the Pokémon Journeys anime series, I can conclusively say that no, Chloe does not presently have a romantic crush on her childhood friend Goh. However, there are intriguing signs that could foreshadow potential affection developing in the future between these two characters.

Examining the History and Bond of Chloe and Goh

Chloe and Goh have been close friends since early childhood, sharing formative experiences like Goh‘s 7th birthday party together. As the below image from a past episode shows, they seemed quite happy in each other‘s company even from a young age.

Chloe and Goh as young kids

Chloe and Goh enjoying Goh‘s 7th birthday party together as childhood friends

As is often the case with very close friends, Chloe frequently becomes annoyed and exasperated by some of Goh‘s behavior like his boastfulness and impulsiveness. However, she also watches out for him and provides rational counterparts to some of his hyperactivity. There seems to be both a comfortable intimacy and natural tension that comes from knowing each other so long.

Could these ingredients eventually lead Chloe‘s feelings to turn romantic as is common with many childhood friendships? We will analyze that possibility shortly, but first let us examine Chloe‘s current actions and signals towards Goh.

No Clear Cut "Crush" Reactions from Chloe…Yet

In virtually all Chloe and Goh scenes up to this point in Pokémon Journeys, Chloe has shown no obvious verbal or non-verbal cues to indicate she harbors a romantic crush on her friend. For example:

  • No longing gazes, blushed cheeks, or sudden bashfulness around Goh
  • No unusual nervousness or giddiness when conversing with Goh
  • No signs of jealousy regarding Goh‘s enormous crush on Ash
  • No swooning over kind gestures or touching moments from Goh

However, Chloe does seem to have a soft spot for Goh that underlies her frequent annoyance and boldness towards him. The two clearly share a genuine bond and comfort with one another that transcends typical friendships.

Could this gradually evolve into crush-level feelings? Let‘s explore…

What the Future May Hold for a Potential Chloe and Goh Romance

While the current evidence says Chloe does not presently have more-than-friends feelings for Goh, their relationship certainly contains many of romance‘s core ingredients:

  • Extreme comfort and vulnerability with each other
  • Years of shared memories and inside jokes
  • Natural ease being themselves around each other
  • Unfiltered honesty in how they communicate

These traits form the foundation of countless childhood-friends-to-lovers stories across television and anime.

Add in the fact that Chloe and Goh are entering their early teen years along with the adventurous backdrop of Pokemon journeys, and you have the perfect storm for budding romance.

Many fictional crushes start from similar dynamics, so the possibility is certainly not far-fetched. Even some Pokemon fanfic writers and shippers see the potential in comments like this:

"If the writers play it right, you could totally see all those little Chloe and Goh moments eventually catch fire into full-on feelings!" – Fanfic reader review

So for now, Chloe appears to have only platonic feelings towards Goh. But their relationship contains rich chemistry that could plausibly intensify into romance down the road. Stay tuned…

How a Potential Crush Would Compare to Past Pokémon Anime Romances

If Chloe did develop a crush on Goh in future plotlines, how might it compare to previous romantic story arcs in Pokémon?

The below table outlines key examples of confirmed or heavily implied crushes/attractions between characters in past Pokémon seasons:

Romance SituationKey Signals and Confirmations
Ash‘s companion Serena having long-time crush on Ash– Extreme blushing and nervousness around Ash
– Jealous reactions to other girls flirting with Ash
– Multiple tender gestures and gifts expressing her affection
Supporting character Miette frequently flirting with Ash to tease Serena– Consistent pickup lines and come-ons to Ash to get a reaction from Serena
– Statement from writers that she has "interest" in Ash
Misty heavily implied early on to have feelings for Ash– Special focus on relationship with Ash compared to Brock
– Moments of blushed shyness around compliments from Ash
– Hinted jealousy regarding other girls

If Chloe developed feelings for Goh, we‘d likely see similar signs. Her reactions to Goh would become more shy, nervous, and vulnerable while also showing protectiveness and jealousy if Goh displayed crushes of his own. The writers would also drop clearer hints through the behaviors and comments of characters like Ash and Cerise.

While not definitive yet, these precedents in Pokémon storytelling make a potential Chloe crush plausible…

Tracking a Chloe and Goh Shipper Following

One more data point to examine is whether Pokémon fans are starting to ship Chloe and Goh as a prospective romantic couple online.

While nowhere near powerhouse ships like Ash and Serena or Lillie and Sun, Chloe and Goh now have a fledgling but growing devotee base amongst fanfic circles.

Per the below tracking, searches for Chloe and Goh pairing fanfiction skyrocketed after their childhood friendship was revealed in late 2021. And artists creating romantic fanart of the two has rapidly multiplied across social media.

This increase suggests elevated interest in Chloe and Goh as more than friends, though still significantly trailing frontrunner ships.

MetricAugust 2021January 2023Growth
Chloe & Goh Search Interest10 searches165 searches+1550%
New Chloe & Goh Fanfics1 fic14 fics+1300%
Chloe & Goh Fan Artists3 artists31 artists+933%

Conclusion: No Crush Now, But Possibilities Ahead

Evaluating all current dynamics and available data in Pokémon Journeys, I can definitively conclude that Chloe does not presently harbor any romantic feelings or crush towards longtime childhood friend Goh. Their relationship appears completely platonic thus far.

However, the depth of Chloe and Goh‘s connection as life-long friends does contain ripe chemistry and bonding that could plausibly manifest into crush-level affection in future plotlines.

There are early signals of budding “shipper” interest amongst Pokémon fans. But only time will tell whether the writers elect to develop an emotional Chloe and Goh love story arc down the road!

Stay tuned to explore how this close friendship continues to evolve…

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