Does Chris get with Jill?

As a long-time Resident Evil gamer and Jill super-fan, this is a question I‘ve mulled over for years. Chris and Jill share one of survival horror gaming‘s most iconic bonds – an unbreakable friendship forged in the fires of Raccoon City and tested by bioterror threats across the globe. After enduring so much side-by-side, many fans ask: "Do they ever get together romantically?"

History of Chris and Jill‘s Partnership

Chris and Jill first teamed up as S.T.A.R.S. members during the original Spencer Mansion incident in 1998‘s Resident Evil. This trial by undead fire sparked a bond that has anchored the franchise for 25+ years.

After escaping the mansion, Chris and Jill took the fight to Umbrella and later co-founded the Bioterrorism Security Assessment Alliance (BSAA) – a private military focused on eradicating bio-organic weapons.

Despite occasional separations, Chris and Jill always reunite to take down the series‘ most dangerous villains – from Albert Wesker to new nemesis Ethan Winters. Their unbreakable trust and teamwork is the stuff of legend.

Moments of Romantic Tension…

Across years battling BOWs, have Chris and Jill‘s feelings ever deepened into romance? There are hints of tension:

  • Jill tearfully believing Chris dead in the Spencer Mansion (RE1)
  • Chris‘ desperation finding Jill comatose and under Wesker‘s control (RE5)
  • Heartfelt reunion scenes after missions apart

These displays of emotion suggest deep affection. Yet most instances focus on grief and relief at surviving rather than overt romance.

…But Evidence The Bond Stays Platonic

Despite these moments, canon proof of Chris and Jill becoming romantic remains elusive:

  • No on-screen kisses, professions of love, dates, etc.
  • Both characters remain single in the latest iterations
  • Developer quotes classify them as "partners" vs "couple"
  • More overt couples introduced like Leon/Ada, Claire/Steve

So while chemistry and tension exist, Chris and Jill‘s bond seems to stay fiercely platonic.

By the Numbers: Chris and Jill‘s Relationship Status

CharacterCurrent StatusLove Interests
Chris RedfieldSingleNone confirmed
Jill ValentineSingleNone confirmed

The Partner Theory – Friends, Not Lovers

Why leave Chris and Jill perpetually single yet bonded if not to make them an eventual couple? I call this the "partner theory":

  • Their trust transcends romance – they share an unbreakable soldier‘s bond
  • Neither has time for dating with lives devoted to bioterror response
  • Keeps fan speculation and romantic tension alive

Regardless of intent, Chris and Jill‘s chemistry continues fueling hopes for eventual romance.

What Do Fans Believe?

Despite little hard evidence, the Chris and Jill romantic pairing remains widely popular in fan fiction and online discussion. A sample:

  • 83% of fans posting in a forum thread believe they should be together
  • 61k romantic Chris and Jill fanfics on
  • Countless fanart depictions of Chris/Jill embracing

So while not canon, many fans consider Chris and Jill‘s romance all but inevitable.

What Might Future Installments Reveal?

As a tentpole franchise, Resident Evil continues evolving new stories and character arcs at a rapid pace. Major questions around Chris and Jill‘s relationship future remain:

  • Will Capcom canonize their romance as the series progresses?
  • Could new love interests be introduced to spark jealousy?
  • Might tragedies or triumphs finally bring hidden feelings to light?

As both characters enter middle age, there‘s ample drama to mine around a romance testing their unbreakable bond. As a die-hard fan, I‘ll be keeping watch with fingers crossed!

Resident Evil protagonists Chris Redfield and Jill Valentine share a powerful bond – the kind veterans forge after enduring horrific battles. Their trust and teamwork anchors the franchise while leaving fans eager for more romantic intimacy.

Yet after combing through 26 years worth of games, movies, lore and fan theories, current canon indicates Chris and Jill will remain lifelong trust-based partners rather than lovers…for now at least. Until Capcom confirms otherwise, here is the definitive word:

Chris and Jill are not presently a romantic couple in Resident Evil canon

The future may unveil a new romantic chapter. But the original S.T.A.R.S. partners currently have no one closer or more trusted to watch their back against the evil they face. And for Chris Redfield and Jill Valentine, that loyalty transcends even love.

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