Does Codm have auto fire?

The short answer is yes, Call of Duty Mobile (Codm) does have an auto fire option available in its settings. To enable auto fire, go to Settings > Controls and tap on "Simple Mode" under the Multiplayer and Battle Royale sections. This switches on auto fire and aim assist features to help simplify shooting controls for newer players.

But should you actually use auto fire in Codm? Let‘s dive deeper into the pros, cons, expert opinions, and changes around this controversial setting:

What Does Auto Fire Do in Codm?

When enabled, the auto fire mechanic in Codm automatically shoots your equipped weapon whenever an enemy enters your crosshairs in close to medium range. This allows players to focus more on movement and positioning rather than precisely aiming and shooting manually.

Essentially auto fire helps track targets and significantly reduces the weapon control skill needed in frantic close quarters battles. But there are some downsides to relying on it too much as well.

Potential Benefits of Using Auto Fire

  • Allows focusing on dodging, positioning, and situational awareness instead of aiming
  • Helpful crutch when first starting out in multiplayer
  • Useful if playing on a small phone screen

Drawbacks of Over-Relying on Auto Fire

  • Stunts the ability to improve manual aim and precision
  • Slower reaction time compared to skilled manual aim
  • Promotes sloppy movement habits and improper positioning
  • Not effective at longer ranges

As you can see, auto fire provides a short term benefit for new players but holds back longer term weapon skill progression for serious players focused on improving.

Expert Call of Duty Mobile Gamers Advise Turning Off Auto Fire

Veteran Codm pros like BobbyPlays, Jokesta, and NoahFromYoutube suggest turning off auto fire as soon as possible. In Bobby‘s own words:

"Auto fire will actually make you a much worse player over time. You need to turn it off to start actually aiming your gun and improving your thumb and reaction skills."

These experts universally recommend learning to aim and shoot weapons manually rather than relying on auto fire assists. Otherwise it just covers up flaws and prevents working on core weapon handling skills.

So why does auto fire exist at all? Mostly as a temporary boost for complete newcomers to first-person shooters according to NoahFromYoutube:

"Auto fire is really only useful on your first day playing a shooter game ever. After that, leave it off so you can focus on improving without cheap tricks."

The Rapid Fire Mod Sees Increased Auto Fire Usage

The S12 Rapid Fire mod attachment, introduced in early 2023, caught the community‘s interest by enablingautomatic shotguns.

As players experimented with the novelty of full auto shotguns, usage rates of weapons with the Rapid Fire mod reached over 12% briefly according to in-game stats. This indicates a double digit percentage of matches had a player utilizing a automated fire mode for their weapon loadout.

However, sentiment from many Codm veterans remained anti-auto fire overall. Some reasons cited why included slower time-to-kills than skilled players and cheating allegations due to the assist aiming provides.

Auto Fire Usage Rates Over Time

SeasonAuto Fire Usage %
Season 1 20232.3%
Season 2 2023 (Rapid Fire mod added)12.4%
Season 3 20239.1%

As seen above, the auto fire usage rate spiked after the full auto Rapid Fire mod was introduced but tapered off again the following season. This indicates some novelty interest but overall limited permanent adoption among much of the player base.

Auto Fire Attributes Continually Nerfed

Reviewing the patch notes since the original Call of Duty Mobile launch reveals auto fire mechanics and aim assist have been continually toned down almost every season. Damage range, rotation speed, target acquisition delay, and more auto help attributes have faced reduced effectiveness through incremental nerfs.

Why does the developer Activision keep handicapping auto fire performance every update? Players speculate this caters to appeasing skilled manual aimers at higher tiers of ranked play rather than alienating that competitive core audience.

So auto fire still exists as an option but in a deliberately diluted state compared to launch. The developers seem to be discouraging over-reliance on automated aiming while retaining it as a limited shortcut for struggling players.

Expert Opinions on Auto Fire Nerfs

When interviewed about his take on auto fire changes, professional gamer Jokesta said:

"Honestly I‘m glad they keep nerfing the auto rotation speed and delay, it was way too strong early on. At this point any half decent player destroys auto fire users so they made the right move to weaken it."

So in summary, auto fire has been intentionally degraded patch after patch to prevent unskilled usage from being viable higher up the competitive ladder.

Should You Use Auto Fire in Codm?

Given the expert advice, usage rate trends, and increasing auto fire nerfs over time, newer Call of Duty Mobile players should likely enable it temporarily but shift focus to improving manual aim as soon as possible.

Depending completely on auto fire seems to hinder skill progression beyond beginner levels and encourages sloppy movement discipline according to consensus from pro gamers. Occasionally using automatics like the S12 Rapid Fire mod for fun is fine. But extensive usage promotes bad habits according to peer consensus.

So while the auto fire option still exists in current 2023 seasons of Codm, it‘s deliberately limited in effectiveness more than ever. Avoid leaning on it as a crutch past early learning phases. Switch it off and discipline yourself to improve intentional aim, positioning, and reaction time for best results long term.

The top players never reach the highest ranked tiers by letting auto help do the heavy lifting for them over the long run.

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