Does Costco Really Perform Background Checks in 2024?

Getting a job at Costco is a great opportunity for many – with its renowned wages and perks, it‘s no wonder applicants flock to join. However, before extending offers, Costco conducts extensive background checks. This leads to the key question…does Costco really do background checks in 2024?

The answer is a resounding yes. Background checks are mandatory for all Costco employees. In 2022, a survey found that over 90% of major retailers like Costco screen applicants. And that number will likely hold steady into 2023.

Below, we‘ll explore exactly what Costco‘s background checks entail, how they impact hiring, and what they mean for your job search.

A Look at the Extensive Costco Background Check Process

Costco does not take any shortcuts when vetting applicants. Their background checks are far-reaching, assessing:

  • Criminal records
  • Employment history
  • Driving records
  • Drug testing
  • Education
  • Professional references

This table summarizes the key checks performed:

Type of CheckWhat‘s Reviewed
CriminalFelonies, misdemeanors, convictions
EmploymentWork history, performance, conduct
DrivingDMV records, traffic violations
DrugScreening for substance use
EducationDegrees, training, certifications
ReferencesFeedback from provided references

Additionally, Costco participates in E-Verify, which confirms eligibility to work in the US by verifying Social Security records.

Essentially, no stone is left unturned. Costco aims to corroborate that all information you provided during the hiring process is factual and accurate.

How Costco Uses Background Checks in Hiring Decisions

At Costco, background checks are not pass/fail assessments meant to simply weed people out. Rather, they provide insights used to holistically evaluate applicants.

Here are some key factors Costco considers:

  • Relevance of any criminal offenses – Were they felonies or minor charges? How long ago did they occur? What circumstances were involved?

  • Patterns of behavior – Do any records reveal worrisome behavioral patterns, like recurring violence or deception?

  • Recent improvements – Does the applicant show personal growth and commitment to positive change?

  • Remorse and explanations – Did the applicant take accountability for past mistakes and provide context?

  • Accuracy of applicant details – Were any falsehoods or exaggerations found on the application?

Essentially, Costco aims to understand the full picture of an applicant through background checks. They allow hiring managers to make informed decisions that uphold company standards.

Can You Still Get a Costco Job with a Criminal Record?

A common concern among applicants with records is: does a criminal history automatically disqualify you from Costco jobs?

The answer is generally no – having a record does not prohibit you from being hired. In fact, over half of employers in one survey said they hired people with felonies. However, it does make getting hired more challenging.

Here are some tips to boost your chances if you have a criminal record:

  • Be transparent. Don‘t try to hide past mistakes – own up to them.
  • Highlight personal growth. Emphasize how you‘ve changed for the better.
  • Provide context. Explain any mitigating circumstances from the time.
  • Make a case for yourself. Share why you‘re still a strong candidate.
  • Focus on the positive. Remind interviewers of your qualifications.

While no guarantees, following this advice can help assure Costco of your integrity despite any past lapses of judgment.


Background checks allow companies like Costco to make informed hiring choices, ensuring responsible and honest team members. While Costco does perform extensive screening, having some blemishes on your record does not preclude you from employment. Be transparent, demonstrate reform and compliance, and highlight your appetite for hard work. With this approach, candidates with records can still thrive in Costco‘s welcoming environment.

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