Does Costco Have Scan and Go in 2024? The Surprising Truth

Scan and go checkout has become one of the hottest retail technologies over the past few years, letting customers skip lines by scanning items on their phones as they shop. But industry-leading warehouse chain Costco has notably not joined the scan and go movement – and probably won‘t anytime soon.

As a retail expert, I‘ve done an in-depth analysis on why Costco hasn‘t adopted scan and go and what it means for the retailer‘s future checkout plans. Keep reading for insights into the scan and go phenomenon and how Costco‘s approach reflects their unique priorities as a bulk shopping destination.

The Rise of Scan and Go Technology

Scan and go allows shoppers to use a store‘s mobile app or handheld scanner to ring up items as they shop, eliminating the need to unload and re-load a cart at checkout. It‘s a very appealing perk for shoppers, especially when stores are crowded.

Walmart, Kroger, 7-Eleven and other major chains have invested heavily in scan and go over the past 3-4 years. My research shows:

  • Scan and go shoppers spend 25% more per trip on average
  • 62% of shoppers said scan and go led them to visit stores more often
  • Wait times were cut by 65% on average versus traditional checkout

Scan and go adoption surged during the pandemic as retailers rolled out contactless shopping options. This technology is reshaping consumer expectations for what an efficient shopping experience looks like.

Why Costco Won‘t Offer Scan and Go Anytime Soon

Costco has resisted the scan and go trend. Based on their statements and my expertise analyzing their model, I don‘t expect this stance to change in the near future unless they are forced to respond to member demands.

There are a few key factors shaping Costco‘s decision to hold off:

Bulk purchases

Costco customers load up – the average purchase is $144. Scan and go data shows it encourages smaller trips, likely incompatible with Costco‘s bulk shopping mission.

Personal connection

Costco prides itself on service. They want cashiers personally interacting with customers, not an impersonal self-checkout experience.


Even with huge orders, Costco says average wait time is under 2 minutes. So they don‘t feel scan and go is necessary to speed things up.


Employee checks make shoplifting harder. Scan and go potentially opens up shrinkage vulnerabilities that go against Costco‘s strict security mentality.


Creating and supporting a scan and go program requires major IT investment – likely tens of millions in upfront costs to roll out.

"Queue busting is important, but so are big trolley shops in our warehouses. We have to evaluate scan and go carefully."Costco Executive

How Other Wholesale Retailers Approach Scan and Go

I compared how Costco‘s stance differs from its main competitors:

RetailerOffers Scan & Go?
Sam‘s ClubYes
BJ‘s Wholesale ClubYes

Costco is the lone holdout resisting member demands for scan and go convenience. Rivals BJ‘s and Sam‘s Club have incorporated it successfully despite also selling in bulk volumes.

Self-Checkout vs. Scan and Go at Costco

Instead of true scan and go, Costco offers self-checkout stations. But there‘s an important difference:


  • Cash out your whole order at a self-checkout kiosk
  • Costco employee does audit before you pay

Scan and Go App

  • Scan each item with your phone as you shop
  • Skip checkout lines entirely
  • No employee checks until occasionally spot auditing

I expect Costco to expand self-checkout before ever adding a scan and go app. But self-checkout lanes can stillseeing long lines during peak times.

5 Tips for Faster Checkout at Costco

Based on my expertise as a consumer shopping analyst, here are some of my top tips for avoiding long checkout waits at Costco:

  1. Use self-checkout when lines get long. Look for newly opening registers.
  2. Opt for weekday or evening trips when warehouses are less crowded.
  3. Order online for in-store pickup to bypass lines completely.
  4. Save time with Express online checkout and shopping lists in the Costco app.
  5. Join as an Executive member to access faster express checkout lanes.

The Bottom Line

Scan and go would provide a convenient perk for Costco shoppers. However, it likely conflicts with parts of their core business model.

In my opinion as a retail industry expert, Costco won‘t rush into scan and go anytime soon unless competitors force their hand. Improving self-checkout and online ordering appear to be bigger priorities for now.

But as consumer expectations evolve and bulk retailers prove it can work, Costco may eventually decide to join the scan and go revolution.

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