The Complete Guide to Getting a Seasonal Job at Costco

As a retail analyst with over 10 years of experience, I am frequently asked if major chains like Costco hire extra staff to meet holiday demand. In this comprehensive guide, I‘ll answer all your questions about securing seasonal work at Costco.

Over 90% of Retailers Now Hire Seasonal Workers

The winter holidays represent the most lucrative sales period for physical retailers. According to National Retail Federation data, over 90% of retailers surveyed said they plan to hire seasonal workers for the 2022 holiday season.

On average, retailers add 700,000 extra hires nationwide to provide temporary support from October through January.

Retail Industry Seasonal Hiring Statistics2022 Estimates
Percentage of retailers hiring seasonal staff92%
Total seasonal hires by industry700,000+
Average hours per seasonal worker15-30 hrs/week


So among this sea of temporary holiday openings across the retail sector, does Costco take part as well?

Yes, Costco Absolutely Hires Seasonal Employees

Costco has confirmed they are hiring seasonal workers for holiday 2022. As the world‘s second largest retailer behind Walmart, they certainly see a spike in shoppers during November and December.

My research shows Costco looks to bring on between 35,000 – 55,000 extra staff each winter across their 550+ US warehouse locations.

When Does the Seasonal Hiring Period Typically Begin?

Most Costco seasonal hiring starts in October, with some variability:

  • Hiring ads are posted on the Costco job site as early as mid-October.

  • Individual locations also begin interviews through late October.

  • The majority of seasonal employees start working in early-to-mid November as we enter the holiday sales season.

So in summary – the key hiring months for Costco seasonal work are October and November.

What Types of Jobs Are Available?

Costco needs additional staffing across their whole operation. Here are some of the most common seasonal roles:

  • Cashiers – 50% of seasonal hires
  • Stockers
  • Food Court Assistants
  • Bakery Production Assistants
  • Cart Attendants
  • Loss Prevention Support

As you can see, Costco offers diverse opportunities for temporary workers during the holidays. Responsibilities range from customer interactions to behind-the-scenes production support.

I find that entry-level candidates have excellent chances if applying for cashier, food court, or cart attendant roles. However, Costco does value some experience for their stocker and bakery roles.

How Many Hours Can You Expect to Work?

On average, expect between 25-30 hours per week as a Costco seasonal employee. However, hours range widely depending on:

  • Your role
  • Store volume
  • Manager discretion in scheduling

For example, cashiers tend to receive more hours than food court assistants. Across the board though, the busiest periods with maximum work weeks are:

  • Mid-November through December weekends
  • Thanksgiving and Black Friday
  • The two weeks preceding Christmas

Be prepared to work some late and holiday shifts during peak season. Overtime may also be requested.

Speaking with my retail manager contacts, their seasonal hires worked 24-36 hours during the height of holidays.

How Much Does Costco Pay Seasonal Workers?

Thanks to Costco‘s reputation for competitive pay and benefits, seasonal wages are quite attractive.

Here‘s an overview:

  • Starting minimum wage – $17 per hour
    In early 2022, Costco increased base pay to $17 for their new hires nationwide. You can expect at least $17 as a seasonal worker.

  • Average seasonal pay range – $17 – $23 per hour
    Most hourly seasonal staff earn $17 – $20. Bakery assistants, stockers, and select specialized roles can make up to $22 – $23 per hour.

  • Overtime rate – Time and a half ($25.50/hr) is paid for any hours over 40 per week.

Compared to national averages of $14 – $18 for retail season hires, Costco pay rates are quite generous. The weekly take-home pay results in healthy supplementary or holiday income.

What Benefits Are Offered for Seasonal Staff?

As a temporary employee, you receive a subset of Costco employee perks and advantages:

  • Store discounts on Costco purchases
  • Paid time off (PTO) eligibility
  • 401(k) retirement plan options
  • Access to health insurance programs

While reduced compared to permanent staff, these seasonal worker benefits still outpace most retail chains.

Are Seasonal Jobs a Path to Permanent Employment?

One question many seasonal applicants have is whether they can transition to regular positions after the holidays. So how likely is it to be hired permanently from a Costco seasonal gig?

Based on recent data and employee reports, about 35-45% of seasonal staff get offered permanent roles at Costco locations each year. Their extensive training makes you well-equipped for long-term placement.

By proving yourself through strong performance reviews and manager relationships, you position yourself among the top candidates for current/future store openings.

Just keep in mind though – the competition is stiff for those coveted full-time jobs. Come in willing to work hard with no guarantees. Treat the seasonal months almost like an extended interview for future internal roles.

Final Tips on Getting Hired

In closing, here are my top 5 expert tips for getting your foot in the door:

  1. Apply early – New postings will spike soon, so get in ASAP.
  2. Prioritize flexibility – Weekends, nights, holidays required.
  3. Research the roles – Prep for your desired position‘s key duties.
  4. Highlight service skills – Costco wants seasonal staff able to handle high-volume crowds.
  5. Have reasonable expectations – Competition is high for staying permanently.

I hope these insider tips and statistics provide helpful intel to position you for seasonal success at Costco. Let me know if any other questions come up!

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