Does Creation Club Count as a Mod? No, But Here‘s Why It‘s Still Awesome

Let‘s settle this debate once and for all – Creation Club content are NOT mods in the traditional sense. While Creation Club allows you to pay for new weapons, missions and abilities in games like Skyrim and Fallout 4, it is officially sanctioned by Bethesda and subject to full testing.

So Creation Club sits in between official DLC and regular old player-made mods. The key differences come down to reliability, quality and integration.

Behind the Scenes: How Creation Club Creations Get Approved

Every Creation goes through Bethesda‘s full development pipeline with complete testing and approval. This is vastly different from how free mods get released.

Players create and upload mods with zero oversight. There‘s no guarantee they will work properly or play nice with other mods. It‘s fully buyer beware.

In contrast, Creation Club creations are carefully examined under Bethesda‘s watch. They go through compatibility and performance testing to ensure there are no crashes, save game bloating or nasty conflicts with existing content.

This meticulous approval process is headed up by Bethesda Game Studios and assisted by their partners like Escalation Studios.

As Creation Club project lead Ashley Cheng explains:

"Everything goes through not only our full development pipeline, but a full Bethesda QA cycle. The content is fully localized, as well. We‘re treating this as actual developed DLC."

So while Creations start life as mods, only a tiny fraction of the best submissions make it through this strict process. This leads to complete, polished content comparable with Bethesda‘s own DLCs.

The Results: High Quality Creations That "Just Work"

The fruits of this extensive approval and testing process are clear when you compare Creation Club content with regular mods, especially in the notoriously unstable realm of Skyrim modding.

Prominent YouTuber Gopher is one of many who praise Creation Club releases for their seamless integration and reliable performance:

"It‘s really stable. No crashes, no errors. It meshes really nicely with everything else."

For veteran modders like Gopher who‘ve battle-tested thousands of unstable mods over the years, Creation Club is a breath of fresh air. You can install new Creations without worries about your save file getting bloated or risking crashes down the track.

The higher standard also leads to more professional quality content. Everything from the textures to voice acting achieves a level of polish on par with the Skyrim/Fallout 4 base games and DLCs.

What‘s Included in Creation Club?

There‘s a huge variety of Creations adding everything from powerful artifacts and spells to fresh story quests.

As of November 2022, Creation Club offers over 150 pieces of new content across Fallout 4 and Skyrim Special Edition. That number is constantly growing with new releases.

Here‘s a small sample of popular Creations:

UmbraA floating witch house with powerful new gear
Spell Knight ArmorNew custom knight armor and blade with unique enchantments
Nix-HoundLoyal robotic dog companion
Dead Man‘s DreadSpooky island quest with unique pirate ship house

You can browse and purchase Creations directly within Skyrim or Fallout 4 via the in-game menu. Just look for the Creation Club option.

There‘s enough content available to keep you busy for dozens more hours. In terms of what you get for you money, most players agree Creation Club offers good value compared to full DLCs.

But Does This Make Creation Club "Official DLC"?

We know Creation Club is very different from regular mods. But just how "official" is this content in Bethesda‘s eyes?

Creation Club occupies a rather curious middle-ground between community mods and developer DLCs. It leverages the talent of external mod authors while subjecting their work to official testing and approval processes.

The result seems to be a hybrid form of "official" fan content, or at least as close to canon as possible while allowing external creators.

There‘s evidence Bethesda takes Creation Club lore and narratives quite seriously. All new story elements and characters are reviewed by Lead Quest Designer Emil Pagliarulo to ensure consistency.

So while Creation Club sticks close to established canon, it isn‘t completely canon like the base games and DLCs. Consider it semi-canon if that makes sense!

Creation Club vs Free Mods: Which Should You Use?

At the end of the day Creation Club content and free mods cater to different needs.

Creation Club pros:

  • Complete reliability and compatibility
  • No risk of messing up your save
  • Professional quality content
  • Easy browsing and purchases integrated into game

Free mods pros:

  • Entirely free content
  • Practically endless variety and quantity
  • Caters well for niche interests
  • Encourages player creativity

As you can see, both options have their place. Creation Club offers curated quality while free mods emphasize choice and experimentation.

If you want high quality armor and quests tailored to Bethesda‘s vision, go for Creation Club. If you have very niche desires like playing as a sentient sweetroll, free mods are the only way!

Most players strike a balance between Creation Club and mods, enjoying the best of both worlds. Over 75% of Creation Club users on PC also use free mods to push the boundaries even further.

The Pricing Controversy: Is Creation Club Worth the Money?

The introduction of paid mods understandably shocked a community used to endless free content. But there‘s method behind Bethesda‘s seeming madness.

Rather than greedy cash grabs, Creation Club prices help support professional mod authors in creating more ambitious content, while keeping quality and reliability sky-high.

Here‘s how pricing breaks down:

  • Smaller creations like armor/weapon sets cost 100-400 Credits
  • Larger content like player homes or story quests are 500-700 Credits

500 Credits works out to around $5 USD. So while pricier than free mods, Creation Club offers reasonable value compared to $15+ DLCs. Not to mention the huge amount of QA and testing effort justified by each sale.

When you consider around 90% of Creations cost under $10 USD and you‘re supporting mod authors to produce bigger and better content, the value proposition holds up well.

Instead of denouncing Creation Club for "pay to mod" greed, view it as an intermediary between free mods and paid DLC. A way for talented external creators to get involved while meeting Bethesda‘s standards.

The extensive development and approval process ensures complete reliability and quality for those who want it. While free mods continue catering to unlimited remixing and novelty.

So while Creation Club brings exciting new toys to the playground, it doesn‘t detract from all the fun we‘re already having. Instead there‘s now a new way to directly reward modders for the passion they inject into games we love.

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