Does Dark Souls look better on PS5?

As a long-time Dark Souls fan and gamer who lives and breathes these titles, I am thrilled to confirm that FromSoftware‘s iconic series reaches new heights of visual splendor when played on a PlayStation 5 system. Both Dark Souls Remastered and Dark Souls 3 shine in 4K resolution and silky smooth 60 frames per second gameplay that immediately transport you deeper into their dark, atmospheric worlds the moment you pick up the controller.

Having spent over 200 hours combined battling through Lordran and Lothric, I speak from extensive personal experience when I say that the PS5 elevates these already incredible games into a tier of beauty and playability previously unattainable on past hardware. In this article, we‘ll analyse the tangible benefits that enable the Souls series to truly sing on PS5 in granular detail across areas like visual enhancements, performance uplift, faster loading, and beyond.

Native 4K Resolution Makes Dark Souls‘ Art Design Pop

Let‘s begin with the most immediate upgrade: higher display resolutions. According to Digital Foundry‘s tech breakdowns, Dark Souls Remastered can hit a native 4K image quality on PS5, versus just 900p on the PS4 Pro. That massive pixel bump means Lordran‘s somber vistas and grotesque enemies render in much sharper detail, amplifying FromSoftware‘s celebrated art style. Small touches like the particles effects from bonfires and flowing cloth on robes contain so much more realistic depth and texture. Wall textures also showcase richer environmental details that better immerse you within each location.

Dark Souls 3 also sees a similar 4K boost over base PS4‘s 900p visuals. Lothric‘s grand, imposing gothic architecture and irridescent lighting effects like shining blades or glowing embers jumping off bonfires look breathtaking. I often find myself rotating the camera during transitions just to admire tiny visual touches on armor sets and crumbled ruins that I simply couldn‘t appreciate before without squinting.

For reference, here‘s a breakdown of the native rendering resolutions for Dark Souls on various PlayStation consoles:

Dark Souls Remastered1080p1800pNative 4K
Dark Souls 3900p1080pNative 4K

As you can see, the PS5‘s horsepower delivers enormously sharper pixels over Sony‘s last-gen machines, enabling FromSoftware‘s intricately crafted worlds to shine brighter than ever.

Higher Frame Rates Underpin Buttery Smooth Combat

But visuals seldom tell the whole story – gameplay smoothness and responsiveness also see massive gains when firing up Dark Souls on PS5 hardware. Both Remastered and Dark Souls 3 maintain an unwavering 60 frames per second during combat and exploration on PS5. This doubling of frame rate translates into a profoundly more satisfying and reactive experience compared to the 30 FPS cap on older PlayStations.

I can execute ultra-precise dodges and parry deadly boss combos much easier without losing focus due to intermittent hitching or input lag. The fluidity also enhances smaller resonance moments like watching ash embers flutter off a slain knight‘s armor. It may sound hyperbolic, but the pure liquid smoothness genuinely makes me feel more connected and embedded within the dreary worlds I‘ve loved for so long.

Here‘s a quick look at the variable frame rates across PlayStation models:

Dark Souls Remastered30 FPS30 FPS60 FPS
Dark Souls 330 FPS30 FPS60 FPS

The stability of 60 FPS gameplay represents a literal game changer for seasoned veterans and newcomers alike. Timing intensive blocks or evades frame-perfectly no longer requires guesswork or luck. And areas infamous for framerate dips like the Blighttown swamp in DS1 now play like butter without any muddy slowdowns.

Lightning Fast Loading So You Spend More Time Playing

Another place where the PS5‘s bleeding edge SSD technology massively benefits Dark Soul‘s addictive play loop is loading times. Again drawing upon extensive testing Digital Foundry conducted, fast traveling or respawing after death in DS1 Remastered takes just 11 seconds on PS5 – an 82% reduction versus the interminable 60 second wait on PS4!

Similar gains apply for Dark Souls 3, where loading screens virtually vanish, dipping from 30 seconds to under 5 seconds in many cases. I cannot properly express how much time these reductions save in aggregate, especially for intensely difficult areas requiring endless retries. I feel profoundly more motivated to jump right back into the fire instead of dreading the long wait.

Demon‘s Souls‘ infamously long load sequences set a standard, so seeing FromSoftware‘s signature franchise nearly eliminate them entirely symbolizes a real watershed moment. I can spend more uninterrupted hours immersed in my favourite worlds.

Just look at these loading time savings:

PS4PS5 (Improvement %)
Dark Souls Remastered60s11s (82% faster)
Dark Souls 330s5s (Over 80% faster)

Backwards Compatibiltiy Means Keeping Your Save Files

Playing previous-gen games like Dark Souls Remastered on shiny new hardware often means starting over from scratch. But Sony‘s stellar backwards compatilibty program for PS5 ensures that even my existing save files from PS4 automatically carried right over after installing both games from my PSN library. This meant I could directly dive back into the later chunks of my playthroughs right from my couch, without disrupting the hundreds of combined hours I‘ve already logged.

This stability and integration with my current library also signals that purchasing (or repurchasing) titles specifically for PS5 fortunately isn‘t required to still experience enormous gains. That said, I would happily pay again just to own true native versions tailored for PlayStation 5 if FromSoftware ever released them. Especially with the similarly massive strides we‘ve seen for Demon‘s Souls‘ ground-up remake.

How Does PS5 Compare to Xbox Series X for Dark Souls?

For multiplatform games like Dark Souls 3, it‘s also worth examining any notable performace deltas between PS5 and Xbox Series X. After all, Xbox tends to tout advantages in sustained framerates for some third-party titles. However, after analyzing tests by the likes of Digital Foundry, both next-gen consoles essentially deliver equivalent results.

Dark Souls 3 hits nearly the same 4K resolution and unwavering 60 FPS marks no matter which flagship console you choose. The PS5 version holds its own just as steadily as Microsoft‘s machine. And while the Xbox may load a second or two faster, I personally think Sony‘s breakthrough DualSense controller implementation adds far more tangible immersion through its advanced haptic feedback.

So the bottom line is that PS5 offers the definitive Dark Souls experience with zero compromises. Unless playing on a high-end gaming PC, I genuinely believe current-gen PlayStation remains the ultimate way to plunge back into FromSoftware‘s nightmarish domains.

The Verdict: Unequivocally Yes, Play Dark Souls on PS5

If my effusive praise wasn‘t clear enough already, then let me reiterate – Dark Souls has never looked or played better than it does right now on PlayStation 5. 4K visuals and 60 FPS gameplay combine to generate unprecedented levels of harrowing beauty and precise control that reconstruct the entire experience from its very foundation. Decreased loading times also enable more satisfying play sessions by removing friction points.

As both a Dark Souls lifer and general gaming enthusiast constantly pursuing the next cutting-edge title, I cannot recommend strongly enough that players dive back in (or initial jump) into the iconic franchise by leveraging PS5. The sheer improvements amplify so many core elements that first made me fall hopelessly in love with Hidetaka Miyazaki‘s sprawling masterpiece. And they will absolutely sweep any newcomers just as intensely down the captivating rabbit hole.

So in final summary: Personally witnessing nearly 12 collective years of gameplay evolution culminating on PlayStation‘s latest hardware represents a watershed moment for me as a lifelong Souls devotee. And even setting aside nostalgia, I truly believe the quantifiable leaps in graphics, loading, and fluidity objectively vault these games into unprecedented territory. I hope everyone eager to experience a defining franchise at new heights takes up their cursed swords once more on PS5.

What fond memories do you have with Dark Souls? And which elements seem most dramatically elevated or worth revisiting on PlayStation 5 hardware? I‘d love to hear your thoughts and personal favourites below!

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