No, Deathtouch Does Not Work on Planeswalkers

As an experienced Magic: The Gathering player and gaming content creator, I am often asked "Does deathtouch work on planeswalkers"? The quick answer is no, deathtouch does not have any special interactions with planeswalkers. But understanding exactly how deathtouch works and what its limitations are is key to mastering combat mechanics.

In this comprehensive guide, we‘ll explore how deathtouch works, what special rules apply to it, and how you can leverage deathtouch creatures effectively on the battlefield. Let‘s level up your gameplay!

What Does Deathtouch Do?

Deathtouch is a static ability found on some creature cards that gives them lethal damage potential. Specifically, any amount of combat damage dealt by a creature with deathtouch to another creature is considered lethal damage. This lethal damage destroys the other creature outright, bypassing the normal damage assignment rules.

For example, normally a 1/1 creature could not trade in combat with a 4/4 creature since it only deals 1 damage. But if that 1/1 has deathtouch, just 1 point of damage becomes lethal and the 4/4 will be destroyed!

So against creature cards, deathtouch acts as a form of removal by letting small deathtouch creatures trade up in combat. This can be extremely powerful for controlling the board.

Deathtouch Has No Special Effect on Planeswalkers

Planeswalkers are a non-creature card type, so the special "lethal damage" rule of deathtouch does not apply to them. A creature with deathtouch that deals damage to a planeswalker will simply remove loyalty counters as normal.

For example, [[Vampire Nighthawk]], a classic 2/3 deathtouch lifelink creature, attacking a 5 loyalty planeswalker will deal 2 damage, removing 2 loyalty counters. The planeswalker will not be outright destroyed like a creature would.

So unfortunately, you cannot instantly destroy planeswalkers with small deathtouch creatures. You‘ll need to attack over multiple turns or use other removal.

Key Deathtouch Interactions and Rules

There are some key gameplay interactions around deathtouch you should know if you plan to utilize these creatures:

  • Indestructible creatures are not killed by deathtouch damage: An indestructible 4/4 will survive combat against a 1/1 deathtoucher thanks to its ability. Good counters include [[Darksteel Myr]].
  • Deathtouch works on blocking creatures too: If you block with a 1/1 deathtouch, it will trade even if blocked by a large creature.
  • It doesn‘t matter if the deathtouch creature survives: As long as 1 deathtouch damage is dealt, the other creature dies, even if the deathtoucher dies too. This enables favorable trades.
  • Deathtouch stacks: If a creature has multiple instances of deathtouch, no special interaction occurs.
  • Wither works similarly: The wither ability puts -1/-1 counters on creatures dealt damage, eventually destroying them. So it works like a slower deathtouch.

Understanding these key gameplay implications will help you master deathtouch as a removal tool. Next let‘s analyze some of the best MTG deathtouch creatures.

Top Deathtouch Creatures in Magic

Deathtouch has been printed on over 100 cards, but certain creatures stand out for their competitive viability:

CreatureWhy It‘s Good
Vampire NighthawkExcellent 2 mana 2/3 flying lifelink deathtoucher. Premium stats with utility abilities.
Hooded HydraAs a 0/0 that enters with +1/+1 counters, it can grow into a large deathtouch threat.
Hypnotic SpecterClassic creature that combines disruption with hard-to-block evasive deathtouch body.
Glissa, the TraitorAs a legend that recurs artifacts, she can repeatedly threaten planeswalkers with deathtouch.
Occultist‘s GambitCheap instant that gives a target creature +1/+0 and deathtouch until end of turn.

Based on tournament resultsaggregated by MTGGoldfish, Vampire Nighthawk is the most played deathtouch creature in competitive formats like Modern. The ability to pressure planeswalkers while gaining life gives it an edge.

Hooded Hydra sees Standard play for its ability to grow rapidly out of burn spell range. Hypnotic Specter has been terrorizing players since 1993 with its flyng deathtouch attacks that also cause card discard.

Using Deathtouch Effectively In Your Games

While deathtouch alone won‘t win games, deploying a few key deathtouch creatures at the right times can help swing combat math and board states in your favor. Here are some tips:

  • Use cheap 1 mana instants like Occultist‘s Gambit to give important creatures deathtouch by surprise after blocks are declared.
  • Hold up mana for deathtouch tricks when your opponent attacks with large creatures.
  • Combo with lure effects like [[Taunting Elf]] to force unfavorable blocks against your deathtouchers.
  • Play deathtouch creatures early to deter attacks by small creature decks.

Additionally, having a sacrifice outlet like [[Viscera Seer]] can let you repeatedly abuse enters-the-battlefield deathtouch creatures by recurring them from the graveyard after trading in combat.

Summary – Deathtouch Is Strong Against Creatures

In summary, deathtouch is an extremely powerful ability, but has limitations. While it can trade favorably to remove creatures, planeswalkers and players are generally safe. Master the interactions and pack a few deathtouchers to become a combat master!

Do you have any other questions about using deathtouch creatures? What MTG combat tricks have you used to leverage deathtouch? Let me know in the comments below!

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