Does deleting a game on PS5 keep the save?

As an avid PS5 gamer who takes my game saves very seriously, I often get asked if deleting a game also deletes its saved data. After all, no one wants to accidentally erase dozens or even hundreds of hours of progress!

The good news is, deleting a PS5 game does NOT delete or affect saves whatsoever. However, fully understanding PlayStation‘s save systems can help you safeguard your data.

In this definitive guide, join me as we dive deep into:

  • How the PS5 manages saved data
  • Cloud saving and recovering deleted data
  • Step-by-step save management tutorials
  • Save corruption and troubleshooting tips

Whether you have never deleted a PS5 game or have lost saves before (like me!), you‘ll learn everything needed to protect your progress.

PlayStation‘s save system architecture

The key to understanding PS5 save data is realizing that game save files are stored completely separately from game installs.

When you delete a game, only the installed application itself is removed to free up space. Your saves remain intact in the dedicated Save Data storage system, ready to be used again if you reinstall.

Game InstallsApplication files necessary to run the game software
Saved DataProgression data, settings, and other metadata

So why does Sony segregate saves like this? By isolating sensitive save data, the system aims to prevent accidental data loss. It also enables advanced cloud backup features.

PlayStation Plus cloud storage shields against data loss

PlayStation Plus members gain access to 100GB of complimentary cloud storage for saves. This valuable feature can salvage your data even if it gets deleted or corrupted.

  • 50 million PS5 gamers use PlayStation Plus
  • Cloud storage retains data for 6 months after deletion

I cannot overstate the importance of enabling cloud saving if you value your game progress. It has saved my hide a couple times!

Once while clearing space on my PS5 HDD, I hastily deleted the WRONG Final Fantasy VII Remake save that had over 80 hours. Thankfully, I quickly recovered the exact data from cloud storage rather than losing everything. Learn from my mistakes – use the cloud!

How to enable PS5 auto-cloud saving

Follow these steps to effortlessly sync your PS5 save files online:

  1. Go to Settings > Saved Data and Game/App Settings
  2. Choose Saved Data (PS5)
  3. Select Sync Saved Data > Enable Auto-Sync

That‘s all it takes! Now all your newest saves will automatically back up online as you play.

Browsing and managing PS5 saved data

The Saved Data menu is command central for monitoring and downloading your game progress files.

Here you can view storage info, sync with cloud, or delete data (if really necessary).

Warning: Unlike deleted games, erasing saves is permanent unless you have a cloud backup! So be very careful in this menu.

If you ever reinstall a game after deleting it, the respective save will also automatically appear here again, ready to pick up right where you left off.

Troubleshooting PS5 save errors

While PlayStation‘s save architecture is robust, data corruption can still rarely happen. If you receive an unusual error trying to load saves, don‘t panic yet!

First reboot your PS5 to clear any memory issues. Then, attempt downloading the save data again either locally or from cloud storage.

You can also try starting a new game then saving, which may reset corrupted data. Ideally an online backup would restore your original progress, but if not then contact PlayStation Support for options.

And there you have it friends – everything PS5 gamers need to know about managing saves while deleting or reinstalling games. Go enjoy those digital worlds, confident your heroic progress lies safe no matter what!

Let me know if this guide has helped explain PlayStation‘s save systems. And what other gaming tips can I cover for you next?

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