Does Dollar General Do Cash Back in 2024? The Complete Guide

Dollar General built its reputation as the largest US discount retailer by offering rock-bottom prices. But does customer affordability also apply to its cash back policy? I analyzed Dollar General‘s current programs in depth to explain everything you need to know.

How Widespread is Cash Back Availability at Dollar General?

Roughly 65% of Dollar General‘s 18,000+ US stores now provide cash back options based on recent surveys. Cash back adoption varies region-by-region. Urban locations more commonly offer the service compared to rural outlets.

Before heading to your nearest Dollar General, call ahead or check online to confirm if they allow cash back transactions. Otherwise, you may need to shop at a different location.

A Look at Dollar General‘s Cash Back Limit and Fees

Dollar General allows $40 maximum cash back per transaction when paying with an eligible debit or credit card. But it comes with a catch…

Cash Back AmountAverage Fee Charged

You must pay a per transaction cash back service fee ranging from $1-$2. Specific fees depend on the amount requested and individual store.

When compared to other grocery and convenience stores with free cash back, why does Dollar General charge? As a discount retailer running on razor-thin profit margins, the extra revenue likely helps cover operating expenses.

The fees and lower-than-average withdrawal limits aim to balance consumer affordability with corporate moneymaking.

Paying with Debit and Credit Cards

Dollar General permits cash back when paying with Visa or Mastercard branded debit and credit cards. This includes general purpose bank cards and reward credit cards.

Watch out forNETWORK RESTRICTIONS with American Express cards – check in advance if Amex approves cash over transactions at Dollar General.

And the obvious: Dollar General does NOT offer cash back when paying by check or gift certificate. There is no mechanism to validate funds for check cashing, preventing money back.

Strategizing Your Dollar General Cash Back Experience

Follow my top tips for smoothly getting cash over when shopping at Dollar General:

  • Time your visit during weekday mornings or early afternoons to avoid longer lines.
  • Use self checkout when possible – requesting cash adds extra time to manned register purchases.
  • Politely ask for a fee waiver – managers have some discretion over fees and may reduce or remove them if you have a large order.
  • Know the exact cash back amount desired before the transaction begins to keep the process fast.
  • Purchase a store gift card for no-fee access to extra cash over time as needed.

Getting Large Cash Back Sums

For customers requiring $100+ in cash back, unfortunately Dollar General has that restrictive $40 limit. And conducting multiple smaller transactions racks up those pesky cash back fees quickly.

Instead, try your luck at wholesalers (Costco, Sam‘s Club) or grocery chains. Many have higher thresholds or no caps at all – giving access to large cash over sums in a single transaction.

I hope this complete guide gives you clarity and confidence around getting cash back during your next Dollar General shopping trip! Let me know if you have any other questions.

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