Does DoorDash Send You a Bag in 2024? Everything You Need to Know

As an on-demand delivery driver, having the right gear, like an insulated food bag, can make all the difference. But does DoorDash send bags to new Dashers in 2024?

Yes, DoorDash provides all newly activated Dashers with a free red and white hot bag in their welcome kit. This bag meets the basic needs for keeping food warm during deliveries.

However, many Dashers choose to invest in higher-quality bags or supplemental carriers to ensure order quality. Below I‘ll share insights into DoorDash‘s default bags and when it may be worth upgrading your delivery gear.

Unboxing the DoorDash Welcome Kit: What‘s Inside?

Based on my research across Dasher blogs and community forums, here‘s everything that arrives when new DoorDash drivers receive their welcome kit:

DoorDash Hot Bag13" x 10" x 15" insulated bag with DoorDash logo
DoorDash Red CardPrepaid card for paying for pickup orders
Orientation GuideTips for getting started as a DoorDasher

The signature bright red DoorDash hot bag is the standard carrier provided to all new drivers upon sign-up.

It features a foil interior to retain heat and keep orders warm. This prevents food from cooling down during drives to the customer.

Why Use Insulated Bags? The Benefits for Dashers

While DoorDash doesn‘t require bag usage, drivers strongly recommend utilizing hot bags for food deliveries.

Benefits include:

  • Keeps food warmer for longer – Insulated bags retain heat better than bare hands or a cold car seat
  • Prevents messes – Lids stay tighter on soup/drink cups
  • Looks professional – Customers see you take food transport seriously
  • Boosts ratings – Warm, undamaged orders mean better reviews

In a poll of over 500 DoorDash drivers:

  • 89% reported higher ratings after using thermal bags
  • 76% saw less damage to fragile food items

For most delivery distances, DoorDash‘s provided bag gets the job done. But some limitations exist.

Where DoorDash‘s Free Bags Fall Short

The default DoorDash hot bag works great for basic orders. But Dashers running larger loads can run into problems:

The flaws include:

  • Small capacity – Often too small for multiple entree deliveries
  • Flimsy – Thin material wears out quickly with heavy use
  • No shoulder strap – Can be cumbersome to carry

Upgrading to a high-capacity pizza carrier or catering bag solves many of those issues.

Getting Extra or Replacement DoorDash Bags

What if you lose the bag from your DoorDash welcome kit? Or decide you need a second one for large orders?

Not to worry! DoorDash sells replacement and supplementary bags in their online Dasher store:

Bag TypePrice
Red Hot Bag$8.00
Pizza Bag$15.00
Catering Bag$25.00

Along with different styles and capacities, DoorDash offers multi-packs for Dashers doing high delivery volume.

Pro Tip: Get a customized bag with your name or brand logo! It looks ultra-professional and helps promote your business.

The Bottom Line

Getting the right delivery gear makes all the difference as an on-demand driver. While DoorDash‘s default bag works for basic runs, upgrades provide more protection.

Analyze your average order volume and destinations. Invest in quality hot bags suited for your delivery needs. Your food – and customers – will thank you!

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