Does Eiji Okumura ever get married in Banana Fish? No.

There is unfortunately no confirmation in the anime or original manga that the beloved character Eiji Okumura ever finds love again or gets married after the death of Ash Lynx.

Their intensely close bond which develops over the course of Banana Fish‘s tragic story remains one of anime and manga‘s most impactful. But Eiji‘s fate after Ash‘s tear-jerking death has long remained ambiguous.

The depth of Ash and Eiji‘s relationship – and its devastating end

While the nature of their relationship is left officially undefined, there are strong suggestions of romantic love between Ash and Eiji. Their connection has been described as:

"soul to soul"

Fans analyze everything from extended gazes and intimate gestures to hotel room sharing as growing evidence of a burgeoning romance.

However cruel fate intervenes before anything concrete can develop.

The tragedy that still haunts fans

In the climatic and shocking end to the original manga, Ash Lynn achieves victory over his enemies – only to be suddenly stabbed by a nameless assailant.

He dies walking away down the library steps into the snow, leaving Eiji screaming in disbelief and anguish.

Key StatsRating
MAL Score8.49/10
Ranked#63 all time (#4 in 2018)

This gut-wrenching ending in New York Public Library from Vol 19 (published in 1985) still weighs heavily in fans‘ hearts, with many wishing Ash and Eiji had been allowed a happier ending.

Glimpses of Eiji‘s life after Ash in "Garden of Light"

Written 15 years after Banana Fish‘s conclusion, this epilogue manga gives us some closure on Eiji‘s fate – though it leaves the question of marriage unaddressed.

Set 7 years later, we witness a touching reunion between middle-aged Eiji and former gang leader Sing Soo-Ling. Sing shares how Eiji was able to emerge from darkness and return to Japan to become a "world famous" photographer.

Signs Eiji still holds Ash in his heart

While Eiji finds success following his passion, Sing‘s anecdotes indicate he remains marked by his time with with Ash:

  • Eiji returns every year to New York to commemorate Ash
  • His room decor honoring their memories suggests Ash still feels vividly alive to him
  • A glance at pure white feathers reminds Eiji of "a beautiful soul"

There is no doubt – despite the years, Ash still has Eiji‘s heart.

The hopes and speculation of fans for Eiji finding love

While "Garden of Light" gives comforting evidence that Eiji is able to heal and thrive after tragedy, it does not definitively answer whether he ever finds romantic love again.

Wistful longing for a confirmed happy ending

Many fans ache for a clearer resolution, with some wishing for a retcon where both men survive and are reunited. After such an impactful story, multitudes likely hope to imagine Eiji living out his days fulfilled, with someone at his side understanding all he has endured.

Potential for more content exploring Eiji‘s fate

There is keen interest for the release of possible OVAs adapting "Garden of Light" or other side stories with room to reveal more of Eiji‘s future.

Perhaps in bonus manga content, or even a greatly desired Season 2, fans could finally receive the confirmation they crave – even if only hinted optimistically.

My speculative theories on Eiji‘s love life

As a passionate fan myself, I have imagined scenarios where Eiji forges new connections upon returning to Japan. Maybe he finds solace from shared loss, bonding with someone able to respect the indelible place Ash still occupies in his soul.

While Ash and Eiji‘s star-crossed tale may remain fundamentally unfinished to us, I hold hope that Eiji does eventually find versions of partnership and understanding – if not outright marriage. For me, the beauty is in imagining Eiji learning to love again while still honoring the singular, enduring gift of intimacy and true seeing he discovers with Ash Lynx.

In defiant optimism, I envision Eiji living out Ash‘s credo to the fullest:

"The most important thing is that we all live earnestly."

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