Does Eiji Know Ash Died in Banana Fish?

As a passionate Banana Fish fan and content creator myself, this is one of the most hotly debated questions in the fandom – right up there with "did Ash really die?" The anime leaves it very open-ended, while hints are dropped throughout the manga‘s side stories. After in-depth analysis as both a gamer and story lover, I have some thoughts to share.

The Anime Depicts a Bittersweet, Yet Hopeful, Farewell

The iconic ending scene of Eiji departing for Japan while Ash watches is a gut-punch for fans. We don‘t get confirmation on whether they reunite or if Eiji learns what transpired after the credits roll.

Based on the direction and dialogue, it seems intended to come across as bitter, but sweet. Ash has protected Eiji and helped him escape alive. Their final chat is filled with longing and meaning. Yet there‘s also an air of hope there – Eiji even encourages Ash to one day visit Japan.

Bright lighting and swelling music drive that home. After many tribulations, Eiji is safely going home with a chance to heal while the immediate threat is neutralized. Or so Yoshida leads viewers to believe in that moment.

But Supplementary Materials Hint Eiji Learns the Truth

While the anime leaves things open-ended, the manga epilogue "Garden of Light" implies Eiji does find out. Set years later, "Garden of Light" reveals Eiji has a son named Ash. This striking choice suggests he learned of Ash‘s fate, and named his child to honor him.

However, we never get a scene explicitly showing Eiji receiving the tragic news or working through his grief. Yoshida leaves the period between Eiji‘s departure and "Garden of Light" unexplored.

So from Eiji‘s perspective, he said farewell to Ash at the airport, went back to Japan to recover, and eventually learned through unspecified means that Ash had perished in their finale confrontation.

How Might Eiji Have Reacted?

This is prime ground for speculation within the fandom. Judging by Eiji and Ash‘s profound connection and interdependence, Eiji would likely experience crushing guilt, grief and trauma when discovering Ash died soon after their parting.

Some fans theorize Eiji may have blamed himself – questioning if things would be different had he stayed in New York. Others explore more complex psychological impacts tied to survivor‘s guilt and PTSD.

Personally, I like to headcanon that while Eiji never fully recovers from the loss, naming his son "Ash Lynx" represents some measure of healing and closure. Much like fans will never stop debating Banana Fish‘s ending, Eiji will probably spend his whole life processing the fallout.

Will We Ever Get Definitive Answers?

With no continuations currently announced, the events immediately after the anime concluding remain shrouded in mystery. I doubt Yoshida will ever give explicit answers, since leaving some questions unresolved makes the series more hauntingly impactful.

As readers and viewers, we get that cathartic yet bittersweet ending similar to Eiji‘s experience – forced to say farewell without ultimate confirmation, but still able to form our own emotional closure.

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