Does Eivor Truly Love Kassandra in Assassin‘s Creed Valhalla? A Gamer‘s Perspective

As a long-time Assassin‘s Creed gamer and self-proclaimed expert on its characters and lore, one of the most fascinating new character dynamics introduced in Valhalla is the tension-filled encounter between legendary female warriors Eivor and Kassandra.

So does Eivor harbor romantic love for the Greek misthios? After analyzing their interactions and the intents of developers closely, I don‘t believe so – but there are certainly hints of chemistry and mutual intrigue between them.

The Nature of Eivor and Kassandra‘s Relationship

Let‘s examine the context around their relationship first.

  • Kassandra, the ancient Greek mercenary-turned-Assassin from Odyssey, is confirmed to be a canonical romance option for only one character: Natakas. So her heart seems taken.

  • Eivor has the option to romance several characters, like Randvi, Petra, Broder, but an explicit romance was never written for Kassandra.

  • That said, developers teased "tension" and "rivalry" between these two strong-willed women upon meeting that could be interpreted as attraction.

My personal read is that while Eivor clearly admires Kassandra‘s prowess and skill, and Kassandra respects Eivor‘s growing legend in return, their egos and alpha personalities inevitably clash to test each other‘s limits.

This competitiveness could mistakenly be read as romantic love, but more realistically, it‘s their mutual hunger to challenge and conquer the other legendary fighter in their path. Their brief union represents the crossing of two warrior soulmates in a poetic, non-romantic way.

Still, Eivor seeing Kassandra initially and calling out "Randvi?" suggests that his interest lies more with the shieldmaiden Randvi than this wandering misthios…

Diving Deeper – Could Sparks Fly Between The Wolf-Kissed and The Eagle Bearer?

However, considering Eivor and Kassandra‘s palpable chemistry and the sheer passion exuding from them both, I have to wonder….could there have been romance written in the stars (and code) for gaming‘s deadliest power couple?

As a wishful gamer, I‘ll explore a "what if?" around their potential romantic future:

If Eivor pursued Kassandra further:

Perhaps after besting each other in combat and contest, sparks of passion could override their burning warrior egos. Moments later, they find themselves intertwined under the northern lights realizing no one else in Midgard or Greece could equal each other‘s greatness.

My Rating If This Happened: 🏹🏹🏹🏹🏹

Likelihood: Highly improbable, but a gamer can dream! It‘s no wonder Eivor‘s brief mistaken identity upon seeing Kassandra – I too could gaze upon that sculpted visage forever!

All joking (and thirsting) aside – their paths diverging make any relationship difficult. But like star-crossed lovers separated by time, their soulmate status lingers as one of gaming‘s greatest "what-ifs".

By The Numbers:

2 – Romance options written for Eivor Varinsdottir

1 – Canonical romance option for Kassandra from Odyssey

1300 years – Approximate age of Kassandra meeting Eivor in 9th century Norway

Developer Perspectives on This Destiny-Crossed Pair

Ubisoft developers crafted the tension-filled dynamics between Eivor and Kassandra intentionally without taking the leap into romantic territories. They make clear clarifications:

“I don‘t necessarily mean romantic, but there is tension.”

This quote validates fan theories around the tension between them. But the ambiguity leaves the door open for interpretation without definitively stating they love each other.

"No explicit flirting"

This plainly shuts down any notions of Eivor and Kassandra being canonical lovers with flirtations built into their interactions. A let down for shippers!

So in summary, while sparks undoubtedly fly when these epic warriors clash, canonically speaking, unrequited tension is likely where their story ends, not in each others arms as written by developers explicitly. But their chemistry and impact on the AC universe lives on in gaming legend!

Final Verdict: Eivor‘s Heart Lies With Randvi; Kassandra Stays Lone Eagle

Considering all evidence of Eivor‘s existing love interests and the canon lack of romance written for Kassandra, I don‘t believe explicit romantic love exists between them.

Eivor remains devoted to Randvi (despite his confusion seeing Kassandra initially). And the misthios ever continues her lone path through history.

But as two of gaming‘s fiercest female leads, their electric chemistry and larger-than-life auras burn bright enough to inspire epic poetry and gamer dreams of warrior romance rewriting fates for centuries. Just not officially in Ubisoft‘s eyes…yet!

What do you think? Does Eivor secretly harbor more ardent feelings for Kassandra unseen? Should developers explore this star-crossed dynamic further? Sound off fellow gamers and AC fanatics!

Eivor x Randvi Forever! But I‘ll always pine for what could have been between my beloved Kassandra and Wolf-Kissed warrior!

Valhalla Awaits Us All!

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