Does Elena ever come back?

As a long-time Vampire Diaries superfan who has re-watched the show more times than I can count, one of the most common questions I still get asked is: "Wait, so does Elena ever actually come back?"

And the answer is: Yes, Elena 100% returns in the TVD series finale after being gone for nearly three whole seasons! It was an epic, beautiful reunion that gave fans the perfect "Delena" happily ever after.

Why Did Nina Dobrev Originally Leave the Show?

After carrying six whole seasons as the show‘s protagonist and focal point, Nina understandably decided she was ready to move on from playing both Elena Gilbert and her vampire doppelgänger Katherine Pierce.

In fact, part of her motivation for leaving when she did was to avoid typecasting and prove her versatility as an actress. Here‘s what Nina said in an interview:

"I feel like I played those characters [Elena and Katherine] for so long – it was six seasons. And If I don‘t leave now, I just might get stuck there and not be able to move on…"

Makes total sense. And bravo to Nina for going on play all kinds of new roles in movies like XXX: Return of Xander Cage, Lucky Day, and more.

But that left the writers with a major dilemma heading into The Vampire Diaries Season 7…

How Did the Show Handle Elena‘s Absence for Years?

I admit, it felt totally weird watching the first chunk of Season 7 with Damon pining for Elena but no sign of Nina Dobrev actually on-screen. The show relied on lots of flashbacks and voiceovers to try to bandage the hole.

Finally, about 1/3 of the way into Season 7, ruthless vampire-witch Kai put Elena into a magical coma that only he could reverse.

This plot twist explained Elena‘s absence in-universe, while nicely teasing fans that she could potentially wake someday.

It also led to lots of emotional, powerful scenes with Damon telling an unconscious Elena how devoted he remained:

"I will wait for you, no matter how long it takes. I will wait." 😢 #DelenaForever

Personally though, I started to lose faith that we‘d ever see Elena open her eyes again. Three seasons is a long time!

So when the news broke that Nina Dobrev was officially returning for TVD‘s eighth and final season, I literally screamed.

After everything Damon and Elena endured, my "shipper heart" needed that proper reunion! Let‘s break down exactly how it happened…

How and When Does Elena Come Back in the Series Finale?

We first get confirmation that Elena will imminently wake from her slumber near the very end of the second-last episode of Season 8, titled "The Lies Are Going To Catch Up With You."

Bonnie discovers a way (never fully explained, sadly) to finally break Kai‘s spell over Elena.

Then in the emotional series finale, aptly named "I Was Feeling Epic," we return to the Salvatore house the morning after Stefan‘s ultimate sacrifice.

A human Damon opens the front door, walks outside…and is reunited at long last with the newly awakened Elena Gilbert. Cue the waterworks! 😭

Check out the full tearjerker sequence here:

After 8 seasons, over 170 episodes, and years of separation – it was so cathartic to finally see Elena hugging Damon again in all her glory.

Showrunner Julie Plec absolutely delivered with this long-awaited homecoming scene. She understood how important a proper Delena closure moment would be for the fans.

And by keeping Elena mostly off-screen until the final minutes of the finale, it allowed all the emotional build-up to fully land.

We‘ll never know every reason why Julie and the writers chose to handle Elena‘s return this way. But as a superfan, I sure am satisfied!

It might have been nice if there was enough time left for her and Damon to verbally reaffirm their love again.

However, that gorgeous, dialogue-free reunion scene allows us to imagine their future bliss for ourselves.

So What Happens Next for Delena Post-Series?

For the full scoop here, we have to jump forward to the 2018 premiere of The Vampire Diaries spin-off series, Legacies.

In a quick throwaway hospital scene, we glimpse a doctor‘s coat with "Elena Salvatore, M.D." stitched onto it!

This awesome Easter Egg officially confirms that after returning in TVD‘s finale, Elena goes on to marry Damon and achieve her original dream career in medicine!

But there‘s more…

Legacies also establishes the existence of Damon and Elena‘s daughter, Stefanie Salvatore, named after Damon‘s late brother. How awesome is that?

So while we sadly never get to see Elena waking up to the news she‘s a new mom, this is still wonderful closure for longtime fans.

I have to think Julie Plec and team purposefully set things up this way to reward viewers who stick with the whole TVDU until its end. It‘s basically one epic love letter to Delena shippers!

And who knows, maybe someday we‘ll get an Elena cameo in Legacies Season 4 to catch up on her life as a badass doctor, wife and mom? This fanboy can dream, right?

In the meantime, I will continue re-watching that emotional finale reunion frame-by-frame, poring over every delicious Delena detail. Savoring the ultimate fairytale ending to one of television‘s greatest love stories!

So I hope this in-depth article helps answer the question once and for all:

Does Elena return to The Vampire Diaries?

Yes! After years in a coma, Elena Gilbert wakes just before the show‘s final moments. Allowing her and Damon Salvatore to reunite against all odds for an utterly epic ending! 😊

What did YOU think of Elena‘s long-awaited Vampire Diaries comeback? Did Julie Plec stick the landing, or do you wish it happened differently? Share your thoughts in the comments!

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