Does Ethan ever become a vampire?

As an avid gamer and content creator focused on the vampire genre, this is a question I get asked a lot about the shows My Babysitter‘s a Vampire (MBAV) and Legacies. So let‘s sink our teeth into the analysis!

MBAV: Jakeward the Temporary Vampire

In the Season 1, Episode 12 of MBAV titled "The Date to End All Dates: Part 2", we are introduced to Ethan‘s vampire alter ego dubbed "Jakeward". This occurs when Ethan puts on a Halloweird magic mask that unexpectedly turns him into a vampire-like creature.

Jakeward exhibits many trademark vampire abilities including:

  • Enhanced strength – Throws a motorcycle with ease
  • Speed – Outruns vampires, arrives to save Benny in seconds
  • Glowing eyes
  • Fangs
  • does not show up in mirror reflections

So in many ways, Jakeward could be considered Ethan‘s full vampire form. However, it‘s important to note that these powers stem from the Halloweird mask spell, rather than Ethan actually getting converted into a real vampire.

Once the mask is removed by Sarah, Ethan returns to being his average human self again. So while we got a glimpse at a vampiric version of Ethan through Jakeward, he unfortunately doesn‘t gain any permanent vampire abilities from the experience.

What If Jakeward Stuck Around?

As a huge Ethan fan, I would have loved to see more of him as Jakeward in the show! A full vampire conversion could have added an exciting new dynamic and plotlines.

Perhaps the magic mask curse becomes irreversible, forcing Ethan to adapt permanently to vampire life. He could have grappled with heightened abilities while trying to still live his human life. Or maybe Jakeward splits off into his own personality that emerges on occasion – like a vampire-Hulk!

Either way, it was a missed opportunity not having Jakeward appear more than that one episode. He definitely left viewers wanting more! Just imagine an alternate reality full vampire version of Ethan lasting beyond Season 1…

Legacies: Supernatural, But No Fangs

Switching over to the spinoff series Legacies, Ethan once again gets a chance to showcase some impressive otherworldy abilities. Only this time, there‘s no physical vampire transformation.

In Season 2, Ethan becomes possessed by an entity named Malivore. This granted him new supernatural powers including:

  • Teleportation
  • Invisibility
  • Intangibility (ability to phase through objects)

These new abilities stem from Malivore‘s aura and DNA resonating within Ethan. So we see him perform incredible magical feats akin to characters in Legacies.

However, he still does not convert into one of the classic vampire/witch/werewolf supernatural types we see commonly in the show. He‘s more of a human imbued with special powers – not the same as actually crossing over into full vampire status.

Supernatural TypeEthan (Possessed)Vampire
Enhanced Strength
Compulsion Mind Control
Total Vampire Traits0/55/5

As seen in the table comparing traits, Ethan does pick up impressive new talents in Legacies – but falls quite short of having the full array of vampire superpowers.

So while Ethan taps deeper into his supernatural side, much like Jakeward he ultimately never makes the complete leap over to proper vampire status.

A Tribrid Ethan Twist?

Imagine an alternative storyline where rather than getting possessed by Malivore, Ethan somehow becomes one of the ultra-rare tribrid creatures (werewolf-witch-vampire hybrid) we see in Legacies!

It would have been incredible to witness him adjusting to this tribrid lifestyle while still attending school. And as the only other tribrid besides Hope, it really would have shaken up the dynamic in the Salvatore school.

Now that would have been one addictively exciting plot twist to see unfold! While Ethan as a tribrid exists only in my fantasy as a passionate fan for now, all hope is not totally lost for seeing his vampire side emerge once again someday…

Will We Ever See Ethan the Vampire?

Across both shows, despite some vampire-esque transformations, Ethan has yet to fully unlock his inner Prince of Darkness. Like any epic hero‘s origin story however, his vampire genesis could still await him.

As an optimistic superfan, I choose to believe we haven‘t seen the last of Ethan‘s flirtations with fangtastic fate. With talks of potential MBAV and Legacies spinoffs floating around, the door remains tantalizingly open for Ethan finally embracing (or getting forced into) vampire life once and for all!

As thrilling as Jakeward‘s brief debut and Ethan‘s supernatural tribulations have been, I know I speak for fans everywhere when I say we still crave more. So while Ethan has gotten a fleeting taste, I hold out hope for the day he goes all in on the vampire experience.

Come on shows – make it happen! We need full vampire Ethan. 🧛‍♂️

So does Ethan ever truly become an immortal bloodsucker? Not yet. But this passionate fan still believes his undead destiny still awaits him in future episodes and spinoffs to come!

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