Does EU4 Stop at 1821?

Yes, Europa Universalis IV stops at January 3, 1821 if you are playing in ironman mode. However, in normal non-ironman mode, you can continue playing past the 1821 endpoint indefinitely, up to the max year of 9999.

Why 1821?

The year 1821 holds historical significance as the era when:

  • Napoleon died, ending his domination of Europe
  • Most Spanish territories in the Americas gained independence, ending much of European colonialism

So for a game centered on building a European empire through trade and warfare from 1444-1821, 1821 is a fitting bookend.

Ironman vs Normal Mode

  • Ironman: Hardcore, achievement-enabled mode where you cannot reload saves. The game ends on Jan 3, 1821 no matter what.

  • Normal: More casual sandbox mode with no limits. You can continue past 1821 by clicking the popup prompt when you reach the date.

Achievements After 1821

Since achievements only apply for ironman mode, you cannot earn any achievements past 1821. If playing for achievements, 1821 will be your hard stop.

Continuing Beyond 1821 in Normal Mode

If you aren‘t concerned about achievements though, continuing in normal mode opens up new possibilities:

  • Wrap up unfinished goals past the timeframe
  • Play with no endpoint in sight
  • See the impacts of your empire centuries down the line
  • Experiment with alt history scenarios
  • Enjoy overpowered late-game armies and unrestrained expansion

I once played until the 1960s to create a global British empire that never saw the sun set!

Recommended Nations

Some interesting country choices for a post-1821 campaign:

  • United States – Can you eclipse Europe‘s old powers?
  • Japan – Build an Asian hyperpower
  • Egypt – Revive the legends of the pharaohs
  • Majapahit – Create a wealthy Indonesian empire

The world is your playground. Have fun and make history your way!

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