Does Ezio have Desmond‘s face?

As an avid gamer and Assassin‘s Creed expert, this is a question I‘ve seen come up often amongst fans. Across various online forums and in my own chats with fellow players, there‘s continual curiosity around why protagonist Desmond Miles seems to bear such a strong resemblance to his 15th century ancestor Ezio Auditore da Firenze.

In this deep dive, we‘ll explore the truth behind Ezio‘s changing facial appearance across the AC2 trilogy, how the Animus technology influences genetic memory rendering, Desmond‘s undying legacy, and why players remain perpetually intrigued by the links between these two iconic Assassins. Strap in for some wild historical sci-fi!

Tech Limitations in Early Animus Versions

When Assassin‘s Creed first burst onto our screens in 2007 starring stoic Syrian Assassin Altaïr Ibn-La‘Ahad, the Animus technology showcased was still in early developmental stages both in-universe and from a game engine standpoint.

Rendering realistic character faces from DNA was demanding – so much so that Auditore ally and modern day protagonist Desmond Miles ended up as the facial template for Altaïr himself in the first title.

By Assassin‘s Creed 2 in 2009, things got a bit more advanced. The number sequences that make up "genetic memory" as the franchise defines it could now be decoded into actual images and scenes from Ezio‘s 15th century exploits in Italy.

But due to lingering tech limitations, Ezio‘s rendered face once again depended on referencing Desmond‘s genetic structure as the closest usable source. So for AC2 and sequel Brotherhood, our suave lady killer Ezio does sport something awfully similar to Mr. Miles‘ mug (just with longer hair and a small beard!)

Revelations and the "True" Ezio

It wasn‘t until 2011‘s Revelations that Ezio and by extension predecessor Altaïr were depicted in their full individual glory. No longer shackled by the restricted processing power of the early Animus 2.0, our Florentine hero could have his proper facial likeness shown.

Upgraded to Animus 2.03, Revelations could tap directly into Ezio‘s unfiltered DNA memories, using more advanced algorithms and retention techniques to construct scenes and character models. Hence the subtle yet noticeable differences between Ezio‘s AC2/Brotherhood faces and his "true" Revelations vibe.

Beyond technical advancements, there was also a more practical development reason for this change. As Ubisoft‘s VP of Creative Lionel Raynaud told Eurogamer:

"The technology has evolved so much that it allowed us, for Revelations, to actually rebuild all of Ezio from the DNA upwards. It looks very similar, but it‘s a completely different face."

Reusing old facial rigs and textures each game proved inefficient compared to generating new assets. So while the enhanced Animus lore justified an altered Ezio, production practicality necessitated it too!

Ezio Auditore: Gaming Icon

Across three smash hit titles spanning over 30 years of in-game events, Ezio Auditore cemented himself as arguably the most iconic playable protagonist in Assassin‘s Creed history.

With sales data via VentureBeat showing the Ezio Trilogy shifting over 31 million copies, players clearly couldn‘t get enough of the charismatic womanizer turned grizzled Mentor.

Assassin‘s Creed 29 million units
Brotherhood8 million units
Revelations14 million units

Critics praised Ezio‘s depth and development across these releases, with Game Informer describing his path as "one of the most compelling hero storylines of the generation."

For many fans including myself, no other assassin since has matched the charm and cross-generational appeal of Master Auditore. His continued prominence (even appearing in mobile spin-off Rebellion as recently as 2020!) reinforces Ezio as the quintessential AC protagonist for many faithful players.

The Complicated Legacy of Desmond Miles

But what of our modern day point-of-view character Desmond Miles? Does he not deserve recognition alongside his vivid 15th century forebear?

As the framing device that kicks off each historical AC adventure, Desmond‘s place in the franchise lore is curious. He‘s our gateway into reliving these past bloodlines as players, yet often lingers on the sidelines beyond pushing a few Animus buttons.

Over time, Desmond evolves from runaway bartender to bearing a pivotal responsibility – no less than saving Earth from impending doom! Talk about career change…

In Assassin‘s Creed 3 following Ezio‘s story conclusion, Desmond makes the ultimate sacrifice; exchanging his life to shield Earth from fiery solar eruption in 2012‘s cataclysmic events by releasing his ancient forerunner Juno.

You‘d think Desmond exiting stage left permanently would curtail his relevance moving forward. But remarkably through successor games like Unity, Syndicate and Origins, players still regularly interface with his prolific genetic ancestry!

Via Abstergo‘s more advanced Animi, we dig through the lives of Victorian London gangster Jacob Frye or Egyptian Medjay Bayek long after Desmond expired. Yet it still occurs through the same central lineage he left behind.

In essence, Desmond‘s DNA forms the common through line permitting our virtual time hopping. He may not feature directly, but Miles‘ genes remain integral, passed down mercifully unaware to later generations.

The "Sample 17 Project"

Beyond convenient ancestry linking for Abstergo to exploit, Desmond leaves an additional concrete impact before his passing via a highly classified corporate initiative designated ‘Sample 17‘.

This reference crops up across various AC titles and supplementary media (even the underrated 2016 film starring Michael Fassbender as Callum Lynch) – yet what exactly is the Sample 17 Project?

In simple terms, it refers to memory harvesting from Desmond‘s DNA by Abstergo Entertainment following his death. Studying these genetic traces allowed the Templar-run corporation to build bio-metric algorithms predicting future Assassin behaviour, helping counter the Brotherhood.

It also granted Abstergo insight into Desmond‘s First Civilisation ties, exploring links to the Isu simultaneously. Expanding comprehension of TWCB (Those Who Came Before) would be invaluable in cementing Templar dominance long-term.

So in essence, Sample 17 permitted scrutinizing Desmond‘s being from multiple vested angles – tactics mirroring Ubisoft‘s drive in squeezing every drop of fan intrigue from the ex-bartender years after his ostensible demise!

The Helix System – Infinity DNA?

By the time Assassin‘s Creed Unity rolled around in 2014 eight years into the franchise, Ubisoft implemented an ingenious meta way to tap even deeper into the Miles bloodline – the Helix System.

Billed by Abstergo as the ‘Wikipedia of Genetic Memories‘, this hybrid game/data architecture allowed players to inhabit a vastly wider swath of Desmond‘s heritage across history, location and family trees.

Suddenly nearly any applicable ancestor tied to his genes could be a gateway for players seeking their historical tourism kicks! Narratively it was a slick manoeuvre explaining AC‘s movement beyond just Desmond‘s explicit known family.

Even Layla Hassan initially utilizes a modified Helix setup in Origins before embracing her own portable Animus. So in many respects, the system‘s become the lifeblood perpetuating memory diving long after Desmond faded out of view.

It cemented the fact that miles and miles more mileage could be extracted from the Miles family archives!

The Timeless Allure of Genetic Memory

Looking at the immense continued popularity of Assassin‘s Creed in 2024 (with fresh Viking adventure Mirage just over the horizon), I‘m still captivated by the premise first introduced back in 2007.

Tapping our latent ancestral memories via hi-tech methods like the Animus or Helix, then bringing those vividly to life in gorgeously rendered historical open worlds. It brilliantly marries sci-fi and history in one seductive package.

The fact we view those eras primarily through Desmond and descendants keeps his essence woven through – a literal bloodline binding the whole franchise thematically!

Without these genetic memories cascading down the generations after him, Layla‘s Egyptian adventure or Eivor‘s violent 9th century Viking epic couldn‘t happen.

So while the man himself met an early grave, the endless memory conduit Desmond inadvertently opened flows eternally. It remarkably still hasn‘t run dry 14 years later!

If I peer hard enough through my own Helix portal, I can just about glimpse the slick white hoody glinting on the Animus horizon…

So in summary, does Ezio resemble descendant Desmond? Undeniably early on due to tech restrictions hampering precise rendering. But Revelations corrected this with enhanced Animus capabilities finally capturing the noble Italian‘s true visage.

Yet ironically that transformation highlights why Miles remains endlessly compelling – his DNA made exploring figures like Auditore or Kenway possible in the first place!

Through tragedy, sacrifice and yes, tons of reproduction over generations, the reluctant bartender secured his legacy Infinity War style long after his corporeal form faded. Not bad for a regular joe thrown abruptly into millennia-spanning conflict eh!

I‘d love to hear your own thoughts on this topic – maybe in another 10 years and 40 titles down the line, we‘ll still be debating the finer points of genetic memory with the same passion whilst Desmond smiles covertly from a cloud somewhere!

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