Does Far Cry 6 Have 4 Player Co-op?

Grab your squad and lock ‘n load for cooperative chaos across the islands of Yara…or so you might have hoped. Despite fan requests dating back years, Far Cry 6 regrettably only supports two-player co-op like its most recent franchise predecessors. But should we expect the triumphant return of four player insanity in a future Far Cry 7? Read on for a definitive analysis of the state of multiplayer in Far Cry‘s latest open-world shooter.

The Winding Road of Far Cry Multiplayer Modes

The franchise has experimented with many flavors of multiplayer over its eclectic two decade run. Let‘s take a quick jog down memory lane:

FC multiplayer timeline

  • Far Cry 1 (2004) – No multiplayer at all
  • Far Cry 2 (2008) – Competitive multiplayer only
  • Far Cry 3 (2012) – 4 player campaign co-op + competitive multiplayer
  • Far Cry 4 (2014) – 2 player campaign co-op
  • Far Cry Primal (2016) – No co-op
  • Far Cry 5 (2018) – 2 player campaign co-op
  • Far Cry New Dawn (2019) – 2 player campaign co-op
  • Far Cry 6 (2021) – 2 player campaign co-op

So outside of the fever dream that was Far Cry 3‘s unique 4 player co-op campaign, the series has largely stuck to just supporting two adventurers teaming up together. Solo guerillas need not apply.

But why walk alone when you can ride with amigos?

Saddling Up for Co-op in Far Cry 6

Slinking through bases undetected or going loud and proud guns blazing is always more fun with a partner in crime by your side. Far Cry 6 makes leaping into action with a fellow freedom fighter smooth and seamless:

FC6 co-op screenshot

  • Open map and select the inviting Co-op icon
  • Send an invite to a friend on your platform‘s friends list or recent players
  • When they accept, your compadre will automatically join your session
  • Complete story and side missions together while both progressing

Coordinating with a squad mate over voice chat and pulling off synchronized take-downs of enemies is supremely satisfying. As the host, you retain mission progression even if your partner drops out or loses connection.

Pro gamer tip: designate roles like driver and shooter beforehand so you can cooperate quickly without confusion.

The ability to instantly invite friends to the action and fight alongside one another through Yara‘s stunning landscapes and idyllic villages is an absolute joy.

Yara: Far Cry‘s Biggest and Best Map Ever

The tropical region of Yara features over 400 sq km for you to explore and reign chaos across with a friend. How massive is that really compared to prior series entries? Behold this map size breakdown across the modern Far Cry games:

GameSettingMap SizeLocale Comparison
Far Cry 6Yara400+ km2Larger than Los Angeles Int‘l Airport (LAX) at 5.5 sq mi!
Far Cry 5Hope County75 km23x size of Manhattan (23 sq mi)
Far Cry 4Kyrat80 km24x size of San Francisco (46 sq mi)
Far Cry 3Rook Islands38 km22x size of Washington DC (68 sq mi)

Now obviously raw physical scale alone doesn‘t directly translate to better gameplay. But the staggering real estate of Fernando‘s dystopian tropical paradise cannot be understated in contributing to the feeling of an utterly lush, living open world brimming with potential for emergent narrative experiences.

Roaming the rural rolling hills of Montana and mystical mountain valleys of the Himalayas with a co-op buddy made for memorable moments in Far Cry‘s past. This time, liberating the largest map to date one outpost at a time breeds even more communal chaos thanks to the new Supremo backpack weapons andResolver weaponized rides letting imagination run wild.

So in my expert opinion, is bigger truly better when it comes to open worlds? Not always – but Yara makes a damn strong case!

PvP, Community Maps & Post-Launch Support

If competitive multiplayer is more your style, Far Cry 6 offers the standard suite of modes to test your skills against up to 11 other players:

  • Deathmatch
  • Team Deathmatch
  • Domination

The map maker returns as well, so you can build your own tropical arenas ripe for multiplayer mayhem and share them with the community.

Ubisoft continues supporting the game with a steady stream of free post-launch content like new missions, special events, and weekly insurgencies to tackle. The formula may be familiar, but Yara feels alive and ever-evolving.

While not exactly on par with triple-A shooter titans like Call of Duty or Battlefield in terms of PvP polish, Far Cry provides enough tools for you and your squad to unleash tropical chaos across all fronts.

The Great Co-op Controversy

So FC6 offers plenty of options to play with friends. Yet one question persists among the fanbase – why no 4 player co-op campaign?

The vocal outcry across Reddit and forums continues unabated ever since the functionality got axed after FC3. Players fondly recall wrecking havoc across Rook Islands as a ragtag quartet. It undeniably magnified the potential for organic fun and sandbox shenanigans.

While I can‘t claim insider access to Ubisoft‘s design docs, we can reasonably speculate why rebuilding a 4 player framework may not be trivial based on changes over the years:

  • Shift to divergent character customization
  • More complex narrative presentation
  • Intricate world event systems
  • Targeting higher visual fidelity

Engine strain from doubling the character models, gameplay variables to juggle, and general QA testing headaches likely motivate sticking to the simpler two player setup.

However, next generation hardware grows more powerful each year. And based on the FC formula‘s enduring success, Ubisoft seems fully committed to nurturing the series and community for the long haul.

So never say never – but temper short term expectations while holding out hope for the future!

The Co-op Verdict

At the end of the day, does Far Cry 6 successfully deliver a fun and satisfying two player cooperative experience? Absolutely.

Inviting a friend along for the wild ride through Yara‘s visually stunning landscape never gets old. Gunning down Anton‘s army together while bonded by eccentricResolver inventions like the rocket-firing backpack certainly fuels memorable emergent moments worthy of boisterous boosts over voice chat.

Could the escape into FND controlled territory be improved if you and three fellow guerillas rode majestically into battle atop colorfully painted horses, rainbow machine guns blazing? Of course! But such a pipedream shouldn‘t detract from admitting that the current offering already provides heaps of hallmark Far Cry chaos best enjoyed with a fellow fan by your side.

Here‘s hoping that down the road, either through Far Cry 7 or continual post-launch support, we get to revisit the mayhem of running wild across paradise with a posse of four. Viva la revolución!

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