No, Far Cry 6 Does Not Directly Follow the Story of Far Cry 5

While the two games take place in the same fictional game universe and Far Cry 6 occurs after the events of Far Cry 5 chronologically, their stories are completely independent and standalone. You do not need any knowledge of Far Cry 5‘s plot to understand what is happening in Far Cry 6.

However, the post-launch DLC expansion "Joseph: Collapse" does directly bridge certain gaps between the two titles. So some narrative threads are connected retroactively.

The Location and Context of Far Cry 6

Far Cry 6 moves the setting away from the fictional Hope County of Montana in Far Cry 5 to the tropical island of Yara – loosely based on Cuba. This is a completely different location with a new conflict and cast of characters.

You take on the role of a local Yaran guerilla fighter named Dani Rojas attempting to topple the dictatorial regime of Anton Castillo. This revolution storyline is self-contained from the plot of Far Cry 5.

In fact, narrative director Navid Khavari explicitly stated:

"While there are some loose connections between the games we wanted to focus on the story of Yara and its revolution…"

So right from the development process, the team focused on telling a fresh new tale not dependent on past games.

Direct References to Far Cry 5

There are minor easter eggs and references that faithful fans of the games will appreciate. For example, you may find notes referring to the Eden‘s Gate cult or find subtle nods to Far Cry 5 characters.

But these are ultimately just small callbacks rather than core plot points required to understand what‘s happening in Far Cry 6.

The Significance of Joseph: Collapse

The Joseph: Collapse DLC figures prominently into the analysis of how connected the two games‘ stories are. This expansion shows Joseph Seed surviving the nuclear catastrophe he predicted and foreshadowed in Far Cry 5.

We see how Joseph‘s actions and prophecies wind up having ripple effects that influence the state of Yara and lead into the context for Far Cry 6.

  • This diagram summarizes the sequence of events spanning the two games:
GameStory Event
Far Cry 5Joseph Seed predicts global nuclear devastation
Far Cry 5Multiple nukes detonate around Hope County
Joseph: CollapseJoseph navigates post-apocalyptic landscape
Joseph: CollapseTravels to Yara and integrates with local culture
Far Cry 6Yara faces political turmoil and oppression
Far Cry 6Guerilla revolution aims to topple regime

The DLC essentially shows Joseph‘s story in the interim period not depicted in either mainline title. So in that sense, it strings together the narrative threads.

However, Joseph is still not a central character in Far Cry 6. This background is not imperative to enjoying or understanding the events of the game.

Critical Reception and Sales Performance

Looking at how critics and players received both titles also gives insight into whether knowledge of Far Cry 5 is necessary for Far Cry 6.

Far Cry 6 has strong critical review scores and fan reception that make no mention of its predecessors:

SiteFar Cry 6 Review Score

Similarly, the sales numbers show commercial success clearly independent of past storylines:

  • Far Cry 6 sold 5.1 million units in its first week
  • Ubisoft‘s second best franchise launch ever

These benchmarks indicate the creative team succeeded in making an accessible and enjoyable experience even for newcomers to the series.

What This Means for Far Cry‘s Future

The connectivity between games leaves room for Ubisoft to continue expanding on this shared universe model in future installments:

  • References in Far Cry 6 set up potential appearances from Anton Castillo or Dani Rojas down the road.
  • The Joseph: Collapse DLC paves the way for more exploration of Joseph‘s post-apocalyptic future.
  • A hypothetical Far Cry 7 could pick up threads from either of these stories.

As an avid gamer and fan of the franchise, I believe this approach gives the writers flexibility in deciding which pieces of lore to revisit while still introducing new and exciting settings.

Despite loose references, Far Cry 6 decidedly does not directly continue the narrative threads of Far Cry 5 and functions fully as a standalone adventure. The engaging tropical locale of Yara, rich cultural inspiration, and core revolution storyline succeed in telling a fresh tale not predicated on past games.

However, the connections introduced retroactively in DLC highlight Ubisoft‘s interest in expanding common elements across the series. This shared universe has room to grow, welcoming both existing fans and newcomers alike to the explosive open-world action the franchise is known for. So strap in for wherever the next chaotic chapter takes us!

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