Does FPS affect tick rate?

The short answer is yes, but with an asterisk. While framerate (FPS) and tick rate are technically separate concepts, FPS can directly impact the effective tick rate under certain conditions. Let me explain…

Defining Our Terms

Before getting into the nuances, we need to level set on what exactly FPS and tick rate mean:

FPS (Frames Per Second) – The number of still image frames rendered by a gaming device per second. This measures how fast and smooth a game feels. Higher is better, with 60+ FPS being ideal.

Tick rate – How many times per second a game server updates the state of the match. Measured in Hz (updates per second), so 64 Hz = 64 updates per second. Higher = more responsive multiplayer.

So they measure completely different things – FPS is client-side rendering and tick rate is server-side simulation. However, there is an interplay that can affect what players actually experience in-game…

Real-World Gaming Examples

Let‘s look at some popular competitive games and their tick rates:

GameTick Rate
Valorant128 Hz
CS:GO (official competitive)64 Hz
Overwatch63 Hz

You‘ll notice very high tick rates for these fast-paced, reaction-dependent shooters because they directly impact the multiplayer experience.

However, these rates only help if your FPS can keep up…

Low FPS Can Lower Effective Ticks

Every tick sends an update from the server to each player‘s game client. If a client has low FPS, it literally cannot process all the updates coming in.

Let‘s look at an example:

  • Server Tick Rate = 64 Hz
  • Your FPS = 90 FPS
  • Outcome: Your client reads all 64 updates per second as intended. You experience full 64 Hz ticks.

But now consider if your FPS tanks:

  • Server Tick Rate = 64 Hz
  • Your FPS Drops to 32 FPS
  • Outcome: Your system can only handly 32 ticks per second. So you lose half the server updates. Your effective tick rate has dropped to 32 Hz.

You never want your FPS going so low that your client wastes server ticks and hurts your experience. Time for some best practices!

Optimizing Your Ticks & FPS

Based on the above, what can you do to optimize FPS and tick rates? Follow these tips:

Aim for FPS >= Tick Rate

Ideally keep your FPS at least matched 1:1 with server ticks:

  • Invest in better graphics card, CPU, RAM
  • Reduce graphic settings if needed
  • Use performance benchmark tools

This prevents wasted server ticks and maximizes responsiveness.

When Buying Games, Consider Ticks

Favor games built on servers with higher tick rates and that highlight FPS performance. This includes:

  • Valorant (128 Hz)
  • CS:GO (64+ Hz)
  • Overwatch (63 Hz)

These Dev teams invest heavily in buttery smooth FPS and rapid server ticks to enable competitive esports gameplay.

Petition the Devs Nicely!

Politely request devs upgrade server ticks – linking to this article helps! Support games that value FPS and server ticks.

In Closing

While FPS and tick rate impact different aspects of multiplayer gaming, they CAN influence each other under the right conditions. Just remember:

  • Higher tick = more responsive servers
  • Higher FPS = smoother client rendering
  • Low FPS can "waste" high tick rates
  • Aim for FPS to match or exceed server ticks

Hopefully this deep dive clarifies the relationship and provides some practical guidance. Let me know if you have any other questions – happy gaming!

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