Does Franklin Have a Girlfriend in Snowfall? A Deep Dive into His Complicated Relationships

As of season 6 of the hit series Snowfall on FX, lead character Franklin Saint (played masterfully by Damson Idris) does have a current girlfriend – Veronique Turner (Devyn A. Tyler). Veronique is a former lawyer helping Franklin go legit with investments in luxury real estate and trendy commercial properties in 1980s Los Angeles. After leaving her career in law, Veronique now manages Franklin‘s assets and provides business consulting.

In season 5, the two began a romantic relationship which continues through season 6. In a recent plot twist, Veronique revealed she is pregnant with Franklin‘s baby. So Veronique is both Franklin‘s girlfriend and future child‘s mother, positioning herself as a principal player as his legitimate empire expands.

But Franklin‘s Past Lovers Played Pivotal Roles Too

While Veronique may be Franklin‘s baby mama and partner as he tries to transition Snowfall‘s antihero protagonist into a legal mogul, other women have had indelible impacts on Franklin. His complex backstory provides intrigue into what molded Franklin into the calculating kingpin he evolves into as the series spans from 1983 to 1984 and counting.

Analyzing these complicated relationship dynamics with lovers, friends, and family offers perspective into Franklin Saint the man, not just the feared dealer and burgeoning real estate tycoon.

Melody "Mel" Wright – First Love Turned Mysterious Runaway

Franklin‘s closest childhood friend and longtime on-again off-again love interest Melody Wright, played brilliantly by Reign Edwards, is integral to understanding Franklin as more than just an ice-cold gangster capitalist.

Key Details on Franklin‘s History with Mel:

  • Grow up together in South LA, close since childhood
  • Melody‘s father Andre Wright is an LAPD officer
  • Early seasons showcase their young romance pre-series
  • Melody is Franklin‘s ride-or-die, his voice of reason and conscience
  • She leaves Los Angeles mysteriously midway through the series

So while Melody departs mid-series, her influence on Franklin is palpable. Their friendship traces back years before crack cocaine flooded their community. In early seasons, Melody spots potential in Franklin. She believes he can beat the odds and envisions more for him than just the corner.

Andre Wright, Melody‘s father and local law enforcement, serves as a foil to John Singleton‘s central antihero in the early seasons. His dynamic with Franklin highlights Saint‘s complicated relationship with the law and his civic duties.

As Franklin evolves into the brutal capitalist and kingpin by season 3, Melody severs ties. She represents morality where Franklin deals in death. Her disappearance speaks to Franklin‘s descent into madness.

-------------     -----------------------
Character       Actress               
-------------     ----------------------- 
Melody          Reign Edwards
-------------     -----------------------
Significance    Childhood friend, voice of  
                reason, first love 
-------------     -----------------------
Introduced      Early seasons, 
-------------     ----------------------- 
Current Status  Mysteriously disappeared 
                midway through series  
-------------     -----------------------

So while Veronique factors heavily into Franklin‘s future as his baby mama and business partner, Melody‘s relevance in his backstory should not be discounted. Their early dynamic sheds light on Franklin before he becomes the notorious kingpin Snowfall fans both revile and revere.

Aunt Louie – Betrayal Cuts Deep

Beyond friendly exes and childhood sweethearts, even Franklin‘s own family betrays him in Snowfall‘s Shakespearean twists.

  • Franklin‘s aunt Louie, played brilliantly by Angela Lewis, portrays a close confidant
  • She betrays Franklin, leaking secrets that devastate his empire
  • The two have an inappropriate, borderline incestual encounter
  • Louie reveals she killed Franklin‘s mother Claudia

The treasonous betrayal stings Franklin, hardening his heart to further violence and vengeance. Louie‘s inappropriate intimacy and admission to Franklin‘s mother Claudia‘s murder showcase the immeasurable psychological impacts.

Franklin‘s mother Claudia plays an integral part in humanizing him early on and understanding his motivations before he becomes the feared boss. Explorer her death and Louie‘s bombshell confession adds depth to Franklin‘s inner torment.

Character                 Actress 
Aunt Louie / Louise Smith Angela Lewis        
Significance             Close confidant and aunt 
                        who betrays Franklin     
Introduced               Earlier seasons as trusted
Current Status           It‘s complicated. Their  
                        relationship is damaged but
                        she remains tied to empire 

So aunt Louie represents intimate betrayal and her relevance should not be undersold. Confiding in and depending on family, only to have them deceive you, rationalizes Franklin‘s isolationist tendencies and vicious enforcement of loyalty.

Louie‘s actions harden Franklin‘s heart and shape his trajectory as an antihero racing towards tragic Shakespearean downfall. But unlike Melody, Louie still operates in Franklin‘s circle, so their complex dynamic may continue evolving in future seasons.

Ex-Girlfriend Tanosse Highlights Franklin‘s Softer Side

Beyond current girlfriend Veronique or formative loves like Melody and family like Aunt Louie, Franklin reconnects with an old flame named Tanosse in season 4 played by Laila Pruitt.

  • Ex-girlfriend from some years back, timing unclear
  • She resurfaces when her brother, a preacher, gets involved with CIA-backed Nicaraguan Contras
  • Franklin helps Tanosse investigate her brother‘s disappearance
  • This storyline showcases Franklin‘s decreasing interest in violence

Tanosse is significant because her minor supporting arc in season 4 conveys Franklin‘s changing attitudes. As he pivots towards legitimate business, his weariness towards the casualties of the drug game becomes more evident through his desire to avoid further bloodshed.

In previous seasons, Franklin handles confrontation with cold calculation and little remorse. But assisting Tanosse signals maturation, restraint, and increasing aversion for violence – developments necessary for an antihero protagonist that audience still roots for despite his criminality.

Character            Actress
Ex-Girlfriend Tanosse Laila Pruitt                              
Significance        Highlights Franklin‘s  
                    falling out with violence  
                    foreshadows his attempted 
                    shift to legitimacy     
Introduced          Reappears in season 4                    
Current Status      Whereabouts unclear but
                    served her purpose in 
                    the story

So while Tanosse has not resurfaced since season 4, her purpose was showing Franklin‘s changing attitudes. This offers a valuable perspective shift as Franklin tires of cyclical violence and pursues alternative sources of power through real estate and commercial development.

The EnduringSignificance of Franklin‘s Key Relationships

As highlighted in the examples above, Franklin Saint‘s connections with women run deep and take intriguing twists and turns. While Veronique dominates the later seasons as his girlfriend baby mama, the complex histories with Melody, Aunt Louie, and supporting characters like Tanosse add richer dimension.

These relationships shape Franklin, peel back his internal motivations, and propel his dynamic arc. Examining the interpersonal connections offer insight that cold transactional business dealings alone cannot. It adds gravity, emotion, and relatability to humanize an antihero known for detached ruthlessness.

Understanding these backstories elevates an appreciation of Franklin Saint‘s intriguing trajectory from obscure South LA street dealer to formidable kingpin commanding an expanding empire in Los Angeles and beyond. The women in his life punctuate important chapters in his story evolution and the gradual development of a magnetic, powerful protagonist.

Even as Veronique plays a prominent role moving forward with their child, recalling Franklin‘s formative relationships offers a deeper admiration for the masterfully crafted enigma that is Mr. Saint. And keeping an eye on whether Melody, Louie, or other support characters reemerge preserves that desired suspense that keeps Snowfall fans coming back eagerly awaiting each new season.

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