Does Gandia Love Tokyo in Money Heist?

No, I do not believe Gandia genuinely loves Tokyo based on his characterization and actions towards her in Money Heist. As gamers who analyze complex characters, we can break down why his attraction appears one-sided and rooted in obsession rather than compassion.

Gandia: Ruthless Killer, Not Loving Partner

We‘re first introduced to Gandia when he violently beats Nairobi and executes her in cold blood. This shocking act instantly establishes him as a unstable threat who kills without remorse. Would someone who loves Tokyo exhibit such cruelty?

In another key scene, Gandia captures a wounded Tokyo after a brutal shoot-out. As she lies bleeding, he stands over her uttering lines like: "Do you want me to finish quick or make sure you suffer first?" Hardly the words of a man in love!

He seems to relish toying with her pain, again demonstrating his savage nature. His body language and aggressive taunting reveal not affection, but sick pleasure in domination.

Tokyo‘s Perspective: It‘s Never Been Reciprocal

Does Tokyo ever show any reciprocation of Gandia‘s supposed "love"? From her panic and despair in these scenes, it‘s clear she views him as a terrifying monster, not a romantic interest.

Throughout Money Heist, Tokyo remains devoted to longtime partner Rio. She risks her life for Rio multiple times. Meanwhile, Gandia brutalizes the man she actual loves! This key contrast shows her feelings towards each.

So without any reciprocation or acts of care from Gandia, can we truly call his fixation "love"?

Inside an Obsessive‘s Mind

Gamers, I think we can all agree obsession =/= love, right? And Gandia clearly has an unhealthy preoccupation with Tokyo.

In one interview, the actor who plays Gandia describes his character‘s fascination: "He sees her as his possession, like his toy he can play with." This sums up how he objectifies her!

Several fan forums also analyze how Gandia‘s background as a mercenary conditioned him into a paranoid killer who latches onto targets obsessively. He displays classic traits of violent offenders with warped perspectives on the objects of their "desire."

Love Versus Twisted Attraction

To crystallize the difference, let‘s compare how someone who truly loves another would act towards them, versus Gandia‘s behavior:

Shows care and concern for their well-beingInflicts pain and suffering
Respects their autonomyViews them as a possession
Protects them from harmCauses them trauma

Based on these opposites, I think it‘s undeniable Gandia feels only dangerous obsession rather than real love for Tokyo.

The Gamer‘s Verdict

So after analyzing all evidence – Gandia‘s violence, Tokyo‘s disgust, the contrast to loving behavior – I reject the notion that Gandia‘s attraction constitutes genuine love.

Rather, he appears fixated on Tokyo as a target for his paranoid compulsions, feeling possessiveness rather than compassion. His actions serve to feed a sick appetite for control.

While their dynamic makes for gritty television drama, just like Tokyo, we viewers know Gandia for the unstable killer he is. We hope one day to see Tokyo escape for good from this oppressor who disguises obsession as "love."

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