Do Guns Exist in Genshin Impact?

No. As a passionate Genshin Impact player and content creator, I can definitively say that guns are not a current or upcoming playable weapon type in the game.

Swords, claymores, polearms, bows, and catalysts are the only weapon classes available for our characters to equip and use in battle as of Version 3.4. MiHoYo has given no hints that guns will be added for travelers in future updates.

However, through lore and enemy design there are indications that basic firearms powered by elemental energy may exist in limited capacity across Teyvat. Let‘s analyze what we know about "guns" in the world of Genshin Impact.

Currently Available Weapons

As a refresher, here are the only weapon types that characters like Keqing, Diluc, and Venti can wield in combat:

Weapon ClassDescriptionExample Characters
SwordOne-handed melee weapon, balanced statsKaedehara Kazuha, Kamisato Ayaka
ClaymoreTwo-handed melee, slower but heavy-hittingDiluc, Eula
PolearmTwo-handed melee, long-reaching attacksShenhe, Xiao
BowTwo-handed ranged weapon, charged aimed shotsGanyu, Tartaglia
CatalystRanged conduit for elemental attacksNahida, Yae Miko

As you can see, current weaponry allows a good mix of close quarters and ranged fighting styles. But noticeable lacking is anything resembling a traditional firearm.

Do Guns Exist in Lore?

We have some hints that early ballistic weapons utilizing elemental energy may have been created, especially by technologically-capable factions like the Fatui Harbingers:

  • Within the manga anthology, there is a panel showing young commissioned officers training with what looks like flintlock rifles.
  • Fatui Skirmishers wield magical frost guns as part of their moveset when battling the player.
  • As revealed by Childe story quests, Harbingers like Tartaglia have access to powerful Delusions that amplify their elemental abilities.

So it seems firearms technology does exist in a limited capacity across Teyvat. But these weapons likely utilize unstable sources of elemental energy rather than refined gunpowder-based ammunition. And their performance pales in comparison to finely-crafted bows and spell-casting catalysts.

For example, some fans have speculated that piercing frozen ammunition fired from a Fatui gun would still inflict less injury than Ganyu‘s masterfully-aimed charged cryo shots.

Could MiHoYo Add Guns in Future Updates?

As a fan obsessed with Genshin lore and technology, I‘ve considered whether true firearms could manifest in later regions:

Fontaine – This highly advanced city built around steam-based machinery and engines seems the most likely to develop traditional firearms. But with access to powerful hydro and cryo abilities, Fontaine citizens may have little use for crude guns over elegantly-channeled elemental effects.

Snezhnaya – The Fatui‘s stronghold contains secrets we‘ve yet to uncover, including the highly coveted Tsaritsa Cryo Gnosis. Delusion experiments could yield stabilized elemental munitions with performance rivaling guns. But so far, Fatui weaponry seems no match for Harbinger power.

Khaneriah – The lost ancient civilization developed incredibly advanced alchemy and machinery. Scaramouche‘s evolution hints at terrifying weaponry they created. Could that include firearms surpassing modern ballistics? I can‘t wait to explore Khaneriah ruins!

Celestia – As the divine realm of the gods, I doubt Celestia contains firearms by mortal definition. However, some fans believe projectile weapons introduced in later chapters could resemble ‘divine guns‘ of incredible power. But these would likely tap into pure elemental energy or creation magic itself.

What Weapons Would Genshin Guns Resemble?

If MiHoYo ever introduces firearms, I suspect they would draw inspiration from these weapon archetypes in other popular RPGs:

  • Repeater Crossbow – Rapid-fire ranged weapons like machine pistols, blending Victorian and magitech themes
  • Rail/Coil Gun – Directing powerful bursts of concentrated elemental energy
  • Wand Cannon – Allowing catalyst users to charge and unleash massive magical attacks
  • Fatui-Style Rifle – Enhanced elemental flintlocks frozen ammunition, vapor rounds that ‘detonate‘ on contact
  • Delusion-Infused Launcher – Utilizing unstable Delusion samples as volatile heavy ammunition rather than gunpowder

Personally, I would love to see a Cryo-powered Fatui rifle become a usable weapon! Rapidly freezing enemies in place with huge piercing icy spikes before shattering them with Claymore strikes would be incredibly fun.

Will Genshin Ever Get Guns?

While exciting to speculate about, I seriously doubt MiHoYo plans to add traditional firearms to Genshin Impact anytime soon. The current weapon roster provides a good balance of melee and ranged fighting options suited to elemental abilities.

Guns could throw off that formula for characters and combat. Why blast away weakly with primitive ballistics when you can incarnate the wrath of the gods themselves through mastered elemental energy and ancient magic?

But as a lore junkie, I‘ll be eagerly awaiting news around advanced civilizations like Fontaine and Khaenri‘ah to see if any further hints arise! What do you think? Should the travelers stick to swords and sorcery, or learn some smithing to craft vision-fueled firearms of their own?

Let me know your wildest theories and hopes around Genshin guns in the comments! And be sure to like and subscribe for more daily insights into everything Genshin Impact.

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